Aug 10, 2006 02:12
TwO. . .PuRPLe
.1.SKiNNY BaND WiTh PuRPLe CiRCLe SToNe & TwO smaLL WhiTE CrYsTaLS on BoTH SiDEs
.2.MeDiuM BaND WiTH PuRPLe (CaRRoT) SToNe. w/ TwisTed WHiTe CrSTaLs.
OnE. . .ReD & CrYSTaL WHiTe
.1.MeDiUm BaND w/ ReD RuBY's & WHiTE CrSTaLS. AbouT OnE InCH DiaMonD ShaPe.
TwO. . .WHiTe CRYsTaL
.1.THiCK BaNd WiTH KiNGs CrOwN CuT WhiTE CrYsTaLs. aBouT 1/3 THiCK AcRoSS
.2.MeDiUm BaNd. LaRGe DiaMoNd ShaPED CrYsTaL w/ OuTLiNe of SmaLL ciRCLE CrYsTaLS.
OnE. . .GoLD
.1.MeDiUM BaNd. YeLLoW StoNes. LaRGe FloWeReD ShaPPeD. w/ WHiTe CrYsTaLs ALso.
"Why they gotta say it like SHoRT! B.e.e.i.T.C.H!"
Double day today, ladies and gentlemen. Awesome. I'm so tired. But! I think things are going to be okay. It feels like that today. I like it. I like the feeling.
My eyes are watering, I'm so tired. This is crazy. This is like two days in a row now. DAMN! Meanwhile, enough stating the obvious. The truckee is awesome. I love it. So much better than the bubble. She called. (((I have something you want. HA!HA! It kills you. I love it!)))
The curtains are calling, my eyes are falling. To a slumber that won't be plundered... I sleep.