Jun 05, 2006 11:32
Yes so im back in manila. its fun i missed it soo much, except theres NO one here so i feel like a loser. neways im working at the embassy again and i have nothing to do. i have been here for a week and two days. so far today i have done one spreadsheet that i definatly finished like two and a half hours ago. i brought my gameboy (yes i play gameboy!) to work and i beat the game that i got right before i came here. i have allready e-mailed and facebooked a bunch of people so now im on here. i could get into trouble for this cuz im not suppposed to be doing "non official" things on this computer but they said i could use hotmail so i assume i can use this, o well i really don't care.
ooh my wonderful boyfriend sent me a dozen roses to my house last week. it was such a nice suprise and i definatly woke him up at five in the morning to thank him. hes comming here for a month. and so is my sister and her boyfriend/husband (its wierd to call him her husband). yeah so that should be fun. i can't wate till he gets here!!! i just wish it could be now so i could stop working,and hang out with them. not that i really do anything at work but still. i probably shouldn't complain cuz i get payed well considering that i do absolutly nothing but still i have to wake up at 6am only to sit at this desk for nine hours and do like three hours of work at most. its not my ideal day!