Jul 06, 2005 15:43
ok ..so current thought of the moment:
why the hell did i sign up for a strake class? *actually i know the answer to this one* but damn...i can barely get around st agnes how the hell am i going to go all the way to strake and make it on time for class every single day?! was i not thinking?! WAS I??! lol ...neways
the more important question...why da hell am i thinking about school?!
neways, another option on my list of colleges... sam houston state university in i think...huntsville....
why da hell am i thinking about colleges right at this second?! it's summer! *slaps myself*
ok now im back on track...
damn if i dont go on a cruise or some sort of vacation this year i am going to lose it! ...like i am literally going to go crazy.
that is all.