stupid "about me" survey

Feb 17, 2005 16:17

well im bored outta my mind so ive decided to do one of those surveys everybodys doin...

[x] they call me: Dan
[x] also: DJ, DanDan, HayHay, BK, Crossova, and the list goes on...

[x] sex: male
[x] my first breath of air: 09.11.88
[x] age: 16

[x] status: in love
[x] occupation: student/ part-time reporter
[x] nationality: irish, scottish, spanish (hard to believe, but tru lol)
[x] best homegirl[s]: Bri, lexie, moni, rose, lc...(sry if i forgot ya lol)

[x] most memorable memory: 11/09/04 <3
[x] worst?: so many deaths...most recently julissa (11/3/04)
[x] first word uttered: Dada (how cute lol)
[x] first bestfriend ever!?: Pungi...but hes runnin and dealin now so ive kinda had to distance myself

[x] college planning to go: NYU or King's
[x] future resident of: the white house
[x] wedding: on the beach
[x] children: 2-3
[x] looking forward to thanksgiving: ehh
[x] NOT looking forward to: coming home from israel

[x] feeling: bored
[x] Listening: my ipod
[x] Talking: to my dog (sad, huh?)
[x] doing: this survey
[x] craving: mexican food
[x] thinking of: bri
[x] hating: parents...wouldnt say hate, but pretty close lol
[x] love is: selfless
[x] first love: same as below
[x] current love: bri
[x] love or lust?: love
[x] best love song: more recent ones- one call away, let me love you, or my boo
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time?: yea but in different ways
[x] when love hurts, you: move on
[x] true or false - all you need is love: false
[x] have you ever been in love?: yea
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: dont think so...except for the the first jessica simpson video i saw lol

[x] turn ons: eyes
[x] turn offs: bein fake/ playin games
[x] does your parents' opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: ummmm...HELLLLLL no
[x] what kinda hair style?: anything but bald lol
[x] the sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: suprise me
[x] where do you go to meet new people?: out the front door
[x] are you the type of person to holler n ask for numbers?: not normally...depends on where i am who im wit and wat kinda mood im in

[x] dog or cat: dog
[x] short or long hair: on me...short
[x] innie or outie: innie
[x] sunshine or rain: sun
[x] basketball or football: basketball
[x] righty or lefty: righty
[x] hugs or kisses: big hugs
[x] 1 best friend or 10 acquaintances: 1 best friend
[x] bf/gf or best friend: ive found one to fill both roles
[x] tv or radio: tv
[x] starbucks or jamba juice: starbucks cafe vinalla frapuchino
[x] mc donalds or burger king: mcdonals
[x] summer or winter: summer
[x] written letters or e-mails: letters
[x] disney or nickelodeon: espn
[x] car or motorcycle: sports car or SUV
[x] house party or club: hmmm ill take either lol
[x] sing or dance: both @ the same time...even in the shower lol
[x] freak or slow dance: depends on the girl
[x] yahoo messenger or aim: aim
[x] google or ask jeeves?: google

[x] can you swim?: like a shark
[x] whats your most embarrassing moment?: hmmm first that comes to mind- askin a non pregnant(but rather "rotund") lady when her baby was due.
[x] what are you scared of?: male cheerleaders
[x] what is your greatest accomplishment?: ummm idk theres a few
[x] what kinda roof is over your head?: one with shingles
[x] do you like tomatoes?: only in salsa or in italian sauce
[x] how many TVs in the house?: ummm 3 i think
[x] how many phones?: 3 & 3 cells
[x] how many residents?: 3
[x] how many DVDs do you have?: plenty
[x] last dentist visit: 8 months....oh crap i have to go soon (never mind i have a new answer for greatest fear- THE DENTIST...even tho ive never had a cavity or nothng lol)
[x] last doctor visit: nuerological dr like a month ago (concussion)
[x] last phone call: bri
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