Sep 04, 2003 18:19
Well summer is almost over. As are most of the good times that came with it. Although I have to say that the Spring and Early Summer were probably the highlights of my year. For once I'm actually pretty happy that winter is on the way again. The warm weather is doing more harm than good for me. Things have been kind of blah lately in the everyday life kind of way. My dad and I have been fighting alot lately and the fights only seem to be getting worse. My phone is soon to be cut off.........again. I was going to go to Florida to get away for a couple of weeks so things could cool down between my dad and I but thanks to the car theivery of my cousin that won't be happening this month. I've been spending a majority of my time alone. Haven't really been talking to anyone on a regular basis. Most of the time I enjoy my solitude but every now and then there are times when it starts to get a little......lonely. It's cool though. Adult Swim on Cartoon Network usually makes me feel better. I would say that I could hang out with Shaffner but the guy can be pretty fucking annoying at times. My brother started school last week. My mom is still a whore. My grandfather seems to be getting grumpier and more forgetful. My sister is .... still an idiot. That's about it as far as how things are going. I already miss the Spring and the Early Summer. Those were good times. Maybe the Winter will be at least close to those times. The way it looks now Autumn is going to suck. I'm sad to say that I'm beginning to have difficulty remembering the events of the good times. That happens though. Can't be expected to remember every single detail right? Though I wish I could. Well anyways I should get going. That glitch in my friends list has been fixed so all those that mysteriously disappeared from it are back on. The library is closing now. Gotta go. Here's looking forward to the cold weather ahead. Not the snow though.......... snow sucks!