Life....It feels so far away....

Aug 07, 2004 17:40

*sigh* ................

Alright I know it has been awhile since I have posted on live journal, but I will rant and rave and cause hell and well you get the point people.*Sarcastic* COmic -con was awsome...well the 2 days that I got to go. I know it has been awhile since comic-con but I am posting now the second day I met a really cute girl named Sara. She lives in L.A. and always comes down for the con. She made a costume of RAven from teen Titans......Man if looks could kill. We exchanged e-mail addresses so now we are talking and what not. I am currently awaiting a reply from her now.

How can I put what I am going to say.*thinks*...........Alright here goes nothing. For sometime now I will out of the blue sit back and in the universe of my mind I will think about everything and anything. What recently has been on my mind is my father and how much I would love to hurt him or beat him into submission or do something to get him out of my life. At least for a couple of years. with him its the same shit over and over again. Your selffish, why aren't you home ever, why can't you act like my son, and well pretty much what else you can think up. Enough about him, because I don't want Robin to read my post and tell him. Like she always tells him everything.

I am applying for remington college right now and of God I hope I can get into it. It would help me out so much if I could. I really want to go into criminal justice and this is the best chance I got for right now. However, if it fails I will most likely head into the one of the branches of military. NO its not on a whim, I have thought this through. I was going to go into the military first but my father kept bugging me about if I don't go to school I won't have medical insurance, and that I will somehow break my leeg and I will be screwed for the rest of my life. I am seriously tired of him and his fucking negativity. Anyway not straying from the matter at hand. I am rooting for DAvid, as he is going to an art institue(sp). I hope he comes out well on top.

My life at the cabana is fun, I have great friends and I love how things are. I would not trade it in for anything else. I know at times we have our ups and downs....When I say our I mean the whole cabana, not just myself. Like vito for instance. We are really good friends. Not the best of friends but good friends. We talk argue and even now and then shout, and have really annoying disputes. No vito I do not think your an ass. (that is something for the cabana only to know about). Pretty much I would do anything for most of them. Even if it came down to it I would die for the lot of them.

Now in the recent months there has been one individual who has bugged the shit out of me. I will not name names. People still have the right to privacy. At least I hope they still do. This person is the biggest fucking moocher I know. When food goes into the fridge at the cabana it is usually gone when that person enters. Example: I brought a case of red bull to the cabana and said for everyone to ask me to take one beofre taking one. I said a selected few could have ONE. Joey, antigone, and vito. They were the only ones I gave permission to have one. The next week I came in and half the fucking case is gone. I turned to ask this person if they took any and they said yes. This person said that they were going to pay me back.
I don't fucking care if you were going to pay me back. The point at hand was I said for NO ONE to have any unless you first ask me. That wasn't the only thing either. oh no, this persons spree went on and on. Joey brought in 2 boxes of corn dogs, for joey and this person ate all but 3 because this person was hungry. Because I knew of this persons record with food and what not I hid a soda for me where my used box of red bull were. They found it and tried taking it the first time. I caught said person and said person put it back.

Said persons significant other came in and said person offered them a drink. Turned out there was one Diet coke left and my soda left. This person had the balls to try and take it again for the 2nd time. I was pissed beyound reason. This person told me to suck a dick because I would not share MY last soda. The last soda of 9 cases of 18 soda pack I brought over.

I know I am gonna get flagged for this by others who read, but who cares. If they have a problem with it, talk to me other than that, all I have to do is sit back relax and watch as people read what I wrote. I may have come out as an ass, or a dick or a son of a bitch, but to hell with it. I am tired of being the one to bite my tounge.

Well tootles........ :)
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