(no subject)

Mar 02, 2012 00:07

Well, relatively a month away before I had decided to post anything at all or even have the time. I still check on livejournal while still continuously posting all over Twitter. It's easier to upkeep while mobile; granted I'd love to post more comprehensive thoughts here, but time doesn't allow it. I'm not even sure why I'm awake at this hour and have the ability to sit at a computer and update all that has happened within the past couple of months. I suppose I'll try to truncate it as best as possible.

Work has been going by well; there have been times I feel stressed due to deadlines and/or wanting things to be perfect but I'm only human and do what I can in a single day before leaving the remainder for the next day. It's not mechanical but there is a rhythm that is followed and I'm beyond appreciative of the work, the position, and the coworkers I spend most of my day with.

Life in general? It's nothing spectacular but it's definitely manageable than it was before. I'm also happy with what I've been given and with what I choose to invest time and money into. I've gone back to reading as many books as possible to keep me stabilized while not overly spending money on alcohol on the weekends to keep myself from feeling haunted by certain events and people. I smoke less during the week and primarily save it for the weekends when I do decide to drink heavy. My weekend activities have begun to become diverse as I decide to expand myself beyond the usual QXT's club mode. I took that into consideration when I felt that the particular club/scene was becoming stagnant and I was going to fall into the same routine on a weekly basis. Things have changed due to the departure of the norm and I feel accomplished for having experienced new things and continuously putting myself out of my comfort zone in an attempt to feel that there's more to life than just that particular club/scene.

Love (or lack thereof)? Regarding this aspect I've completely shut it down. I found myself putting in too much effort for nothing in return outside of frustration and anguish. It has left me jaded, no doubt but it's something I can live with for now. I don't seek company outside of my close knit circle of friends and don't seek anyone else as I've seen enough defensive triggers to ensure that anyone who gets even remotely close, I'll somehow find a way of pushing away. Yeah, I know it's not healthy but it saves me from feeling let down. I tend to keep to myself when speaking about this matter with others, though I'm definitely not shy about socializing with the opposite sex. I love conversation but that's exactly where it stays.

My social calendar fills up quickly; that's a good thing as it makes sure there's always something to do and I never run out of options. I've also taken to listening to more music of different genres to expand horizons and have also taken time to just breathe and assess situations rather than simply jumping into them based on emotions alone.

I think that about does it; I'm not sure when I'll post here again due to time and situations but am otherwise thankful I did so that I can look back upon this one day and keep track of where I am now as opposed to where I was a couple of months ago.
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