May 08, 2002 20:24
I like how on the top it says "Event" what if there isn't an event and you're just updating? or do most people have events? hmm...My week was fairly uneventful. Except a lot of tests and homework. Symphony concert was last night and by our standards it was...shit! but the audience seemed to enjoy it so cowabunga! We played stuff from the following composers, no one cares, but rah I do: Cuban Overture, Mozart, Tocatta (mozart again?), Bist tu bei mir, Rachmanninov, etc. blah. Next monday is the audition...::bites lip:: I hope I get in. Speaking of getting in. AP Euro, Nervous about that too. I like how i write a fucking novellette. this is dumb I'm ending soon.
Well, there's this BUM, that steals scisoirs to shave his head, that lives under the bridge by my house, and sometimes when he's not there, and we go to capecoral, we see him! its cool because he travels there on his bicycle. Well yesterday on our way to symphony rehearsal, my ride almost hit him in her car. And he got off his bike to talk to her, and I guess in the process of talking to her, he managed to open up the gas tank and steal the plug, so yeah he stole the plug. And he also stole 3 bunnies, that we have in front I think he cooked them and ate them on a fire made out of shrubs.
second order of business: I MISS MY PICTURE OF MULLET GIRL like a nymphomaniac that isn't having sex. I used to have fun looking in my wallet and showing picture of "Mullet Junkie" but no I have to be dumb and give it to someone,shame I don't even know who i gave it to, well I do, but I don't. Now all I see is Fat Amanda, I love when she gets fat like that, so 3 cheers for fat amanda.
I also like making new friends. yay for getting out of my apathetic outlook on life. Yes Apathetic is a cool, expressive word.
P.S I'm playing with Samuri Swords hehehe