i'm baaaaaaaaack

Dec 07, 2002 20:21

Hello journal

After a long but WELL NEEDED break...I have returned.
A.because I have a lot to say at this point.
B.because I have a lot of people to thank.
C.beacuse I want to be back welcomed into the Drama fold of Fort Myers..

i don't think thats the right answer though.

Lately, there's only one word that can describe the way I feel. that is, SLEEPY. Lethargic maybe ( a normal conversation word, Katie).
I'm just so frustrated with him...I talked to one of his friends today and she told me that he said that he doesn't nor ever will like the slut. thank god, I was worried.
I really do want to see Die another Day with him...should be lots of fun..if I ever get around to asking him.

Today was a little cool

We had a sub in AP Euro...I did a few of Stacey's journals just because I felt like being nice. I owe her so much she's always there to listen to me ramble on and on.

I sat next to Soma the whole time I was working. I think i may have distracted her but oh well, tough for her. Soma..is just wonderful..my life would be so different with out my t-shirt maker. I love her little quirks. How she's shy..what makes her angry, how she hates dancing :) Hopefully by the end of the year when us brown people are done with her, she will LOVE dancing and she will go dancing with us all the time...Soma Soma my dear I don't know WHAT i would do without you..thank you so much for everything you've done this year.

Then I faked my way out of third period and got to help Lexi with the fox trot which was Ultra cool. I wish I got to be the mascot of the fox though. That woul dhave been kick ass-h0le. I almost forgot how cool Lex was until today. I'm glad that we got to spend some time pouring drinks for sweaty people. It was a bonding experience.
I also spent time with Stephanie Cook (NUMBER ONE FEMALE SENIOR RUNNER I MIGHT ADD)and I remembered that I haven't hung out with her but once..I don't know bout her, but I should hang out with her too just because she makes me laugh until I pee (in my head).
The Robyn-trophy fiasco was also entertaining/upsetting...I felt bad because she felt bad, but hey, she got a trophy and I'm really proud of her and love her so much!

I should talk a little bit about Robyn...Robyn and I were good friends in 6th grade..but sometime after that we kinda separated. In 9th grade we became friends again but I wouldn't say we were as close as were are this year. This year I just can't even say how much I love Robyn...I love hanging out with her at lunch and we always laugh a lot..she's my pizza line buddy and stuff. She's just so damn cool...Robyn, if you read this, you rule like a sultan!!

Next was 5th period which i have with him..as always it was really interesting..I sit on the Island next to branden.

I should talk about Branden too..I just met him this year because someome told me to randomly hit on him...and we started talking and now I can easily say he's one of my really close friends...i can talk to him about anything and even though he doesn't talk that much at school he's just SO awesome. he always makes me feel special and I love that feeling..he's such a great guy i wish more people got to know him as well as I do.

After that was 7th period with Katie.
As always Katie made me smile...she wrote a "note" to him saying all this vulgar stuff which happened to be FUNNY as hell. God..Katie HAS to be one of the best things that's happened to me this year. I can always count on her to be there for me...and I hoep she realizes that I LOVE when she trusts me and talks to me. It makes me feel like i have a purpose and that people care. She's like my live journal but a MILLION BILLION times better.I wish we hung out more because I can't think of anyone that could make me as happy as she does and katie if you're reading this, I love you SO much (but don't worry I don't have a crush on you lol)

And as always Amy and Neda made my day. I couldn't ask for better friends...they ARE the best. I dunno what I'd do with out them. Amy's just stuck it out and been there for me and been there with me through stupid stuff last year..and our parents and she knows how much I love her, need I say more?
And Nee, Good ole' nee. the funniest girl i've ever met...I can always count on her to make fun of people and keep me entertained and listen to me when I'm pissed off...and help me with TV! She really rocks. like a rock...she knwos it too. uh huh thas right freshs.

I know that I haven't mentioned that many people, but hopefully I will start updating more and you will be on there.

I love you, and you and you and you.........
thanks guys for everything.
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