Aug 15, 2010 16:46
I'm a little low on funds now after my vacation, but otherwise life is nice. The first few weeks back at work the weather turned cold and rainy, I had a chaos spell of staying up nights and sleeping days, and it was tough getting revved up to normal work speed again. But all that's resolved now. Even the weather is warm and summery again. Today the birch seeds started snowing. It's a gentle snowfall, but persistent. If I leave a window open the seeds are everywhere after a while. My hardwood floors give off a sweet, homey smell when warmed by the sun. It's a quiet weekend at home, no obligations or worries, I'm just doing what I feel like. Writing another disjointed entry. :)
'Evil Rob' (my buddy's nickname for him) had his last aerobics class for the summer last Friday. I thanked him for keeping the fires burning (in our muscles!) all summer. They've offered a lot more classes than usual. It was difficult to deal with the heat at first but strangely, you get used to it. It's like your body starts functioning differently after a month or two. It's just as warm now as in the beginning of summer, but I don't get heat rashes anymore. I've turned into a Summer Sia.