Feb 21, 2005 09:45
Well here we are back on Monday. I have officially not done jack today at work other than try and think up some different things for my next tutorial. This weekend was somewhat of a bust. Didn't do a whole lot other than sit around either at home or other people's places. Yesterday was spent all day cleaning my room and playing WoW... damn that addiction. I have a whole list of things that I want to get done but I have had no motivation what so ever. Though I have had enough motivation to go work out three out of the last 4 days. I took yesterday off because my head was killin me when I woke up from a migraine. Sara and I are going to keep each other in check by going to the gym together every other day and then I am going to try and go atleast 5 times a week. I can already tell it's helping a bit because my back isn't hurting as much and I have a little more energy. Of course this all could be in my head.
Friday we went and saw Constantine. It was a pretty good movie even though it sometimes didn't go into detail on some things. Character development was somewhat lacking. Like I felt something for the characters but it felt like it dropped off too fast. I kind of felt that way with Van Helsing a bit. It's too bad that they didn't build on Gavin Rossdales character more, would have given more explanation as to why he's on earth. I think they lend too much to the idea that people know the characters of the bible and the roles they play. Not that I am religious, but I like to study religions so I knew what was going on.
And for a somewhat comic note.... N. Korea now says that Japan wants to take over that part of Asia and that Japan and America are in together to rule that side of the world... wrrrrronry I'm so wrrrrronry. (this moment has been brought to you by Kim Jong Il, Herrrrrrowww)