(no subject)

Apr 11, 2005 20:57

"Track is the only sport where you can almost kill yourself everday and have fun doing it." Some kid in the tariner's room, where i was AGAIN today. Hmm....after almost passing out after the workout, Mr dow told me to skip cool down, cus we remeber what happened last time u attempted a cool down....so i go in to the trainers room.....and fall asleep.... she tells me im hypoglycemic.......whcih make sense cus as of tack practis i ate three of teh last 11 meals....hmm?....guess im not hungry.....i dunno why but i think this is hilarious too....

so we r moving backeards through time....

sunday nothin happened.....

saturday well since its backwards will start at applebee's......this is tricky...TO SATURDAY MORNIN.....

Track meet...hmm run the 800....two laps....esier than i thought....ironically the two older ppl on the track team i kno ruun it too.....2 mins 38 secs....not bad...i placed 7thish.....

umm then i went home and slept......

then i went and picked up mary and went to the cyo dance....i had fun...hetaher turned into a hippy.....mary knowing everybody's names from julies pictures......so was applebee's....heather falling out of her chair laughing at soem joke me and mary couldnt get...missy flirting with the gay waiter.....hmmm fun lets do that again sometime.....

Windmill, Windmill for the land.
Learn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is sticking, falling down

Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin’ ’round
I guess I’ll always be
A soldier of fortune
---Deep Purple

Whats with the windmills?
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