Sep 25, 2005 09:44
He was very impressed with the students. Thier managing to arm and organize is very, very conveniant.
I only hope, that when the downtime ends, that the sense of accomplishment stays.
And that the leaders they are placing around themselves are good.
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what can I do for you?
Professor Gandalf? Are you available? It's Rebeka Valentine.
May I sit down?
please, tell me how I can help you
I am many things, Miss Valentine. I am a guide, a traveller, a peacemaker, a wizard, a teacher... but none of these things define who I am.
Should you take away my weapons, you may only take away apart of who I am. And learning to adapt is one of mankinds greatest and most admirable traits, one that most other races do not have. It is why, in this time and place, the Dodo bird has been extinguished from this planet, and why men proliferate throught *all* galaxies and worlds, known and unknown.
I understand the need to adapt. If I must, I will. I have always done whatever it took to survive, and that won't change.
And yet, some day I must return home. I cannot become soft in this place. The future that awaits me is grim, and I will have need of every weapon at my disposal. If I have forgotten who I am, I will be prey.
Weapons are not my dispute settlement method of choice, Professor. They are simply ... a part of me.
Am I correct to understand that you wouldn't oppose me trying to adapt the school's policy, provided that it served all of the students?
I no longer carry Glamdrin with me. He is locked up with the other weapons. I did this willingly. Here, I am a teacher.
Here, you are a student. Not a warrior, not a fighter.
We learn to use other facilities, and learn to be comfortable in that setting, as well as any other.
I will oppose no one, unless they are attempting to hurt another, but I see no reason to carry a weapon in these hallways.
For what it's worth, I wish I agreed. I'll think on what you've said. Maybe I'll come to the place that I do.
Whatever I decide, I respect your position. And you. Though I can't imagine that counts for very much.
Stop in and speak to me any time, on any topic... please.
I will, Professor. Count on it.
Have a pleasant afternoon.
*goes back to his scrolls*
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