Jun 28, 2004 22:32
i insist on remembering the things i forgot one day and then putting them in my journal the NEXT day...thing is, i forget what i forgot...and then we're all in a mess. but i DID remember a couple of things (since you are SO interested). at church, i fail to realize how many good-looking people there are. i played 9 and 11, and at 9, there were these 2 altar servers. i *think* they might have been brother and sister the way they weren't sitting very close to each other, but they were both cute. then at 11, there is this guy that always sits in the front row because his father is a lector. now, i don't use the "h" word very often, but he was HOTT. he's got a nice tan, bleached-blonde hair over dark roots, spiked, he's built, and he's got a similar style of me (open collared shirts...yeah baby). and speaking of good-looking people, while i was laptop shopping yesterday (we went to best buy, circuit city, and office depot), i'll have to say that best buy has a nice staff. mr. kris is a nice young fellow, w/ a silver earing in his right ear, and very knowledgable (sp). very hard to find nowadays. and he pulled off the "low pants" thing w/o coming off as a wigger. i liked it.
tried to do some more tuning yesterday, but i broked the lamp. the glass part it glued to the top, and as i was closing the piano lid, it hit the glass, made a little break, and broke the gluing. so in my meddling process of seeing if it was ok, i broke all the gluing off. but it is fine, it's just not stable anymore. haven't heard from romano yet.
did a BUNCH of cleaning today: my desk. i can SEE THE WOOD. i've had stuff on the desk since i GOT it, like stuffed animals that have been given over the years, and just JUNK. so i packed the animals up, threw a way a LOAD of stuff, and even "emptied" a drawer, where i just filled it up w/ stuff that was on TOP of the desk. some of it i'm taking to GS, i think, like my CD player, radio, batteries, lamp, and stuff. but i'm a big windows media player user, and own like...6 CDs, so that's my main focus of listening to music. when i get my laptop, that's ALL i'm going to be doing. also, i packed 26 shirts for GS already (nan's orders). wow..the closest looks empty. so i've got the socks, the shirts, the undies, the suit, the towels, and the new deoderant. sounds good for now.
speaking of deoderant, i realize that saturday, while i was visiting the ROCK, i believe i was sweating a bit (as usual) and i apologize for any obscene odors. :(
OK..enough of that...maybe tomorrow i'll go and see peter pan at the free kids movies at inlet. nan was getting upset because we "weren't doing anything" (which is true, though) and we weren't using our waterpark passes. i've wanted to go, but i'm not going alone, so if jeremy is too embarassed to show of his body, oh well. i am too, but i tough it out. would someone go w/ me??? :( until later my friends!!