Feb 22, 2006 16:32
Ever really cried your heart out?:Yes. but not in front of people
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: I have done it
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?:yeah, a little bit
Ever cried over the opposite sex?:they are not worth it but i do it anyways.
Do you cry when you get an injury?:If it hurts, then YA!
Do certain songs make you cry?: Only a few camp songs when im in the right mood.
Are you a happy person?:Yes. very happy
What can make you happy? Everything, a sunny day, a kiss, text message, brownies.
Do you wish you were happier?: Im pretty content with how i am right now
Is being happy overrated?:NO! how could it be?
Can music make you happy?:yeah, when i lose it just start singing and dancing in front of my mirrow
How many times has your heart been broken?: a few.
Have you ever loved enough that you'd die for them?: I would die for a lot of people that i love.
Has anyone besides friends/family ever said 'i love you' ?: Yes.
Did they mean it?: Yes.
Who do you actually hate?: Hate is a very very strong word.
Ever made a hit list?: No
Have you ever been on a hit list?: not that i know of.
Are you a mean bully?: haha me mean? no
Do you hate George Bush?:I personally wouldnt vote for him.
Is your self-esteem extremely low?:Nah
Do you believe in yourself?: Of course
Are you good looking, do you deny you are?:I am pretty. No i tell everything that i think i am personally attractive
Do you wish you could be someone else? No i like me.
What is your current hair color?:Blonde
Whats your natural color?: Dirty Blonde
What color are your eyes?: Blue
Current Piercings:just my ears
What shirt are you wearing?:Brown Polo
fav jeans: My Sevens with holes in the croch
Underwear?: Blue pattern thong
Necklaces: Gam Ze Ya Avor Ring
Rock or rap: Rock
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: Cocoa
Wild Night out or Romantic Night: A mix
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate
Hummer or Sports Car: Honda CRV
Bracelet or Necklace: necklace.
History or Science: science
Sleep in or Early to rise: i would like to sleep in but im an early riser
Beach or Boardwalk: beach
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: hoodie
Night or Day: night.
High School or college:right now im liking high school, but i cant wait for college.
California or Florida:SO CAL!
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte:i dont listen to either
Love at first sight or Learn to Love: Learn
Kissed the same Sex?:Yes
Hugged someone?: Who hasnt
Been on the phone until the sun came up? yes
Put a song on repeat for more than an hour?: Yes, i do this all the time.
Got in a fight with someone?: Not a physical fist fight, but a fight. \\
person you talked to in person?: mommy
person you talked to online?: Rachel
person you talked to on the phone?:Stacy
drink?:Green Tea
laugh?:after school with ben and viv
last time you had a shower?:last night, about to go shower again.
Do you like surveys:it passes the time.
What kind of shampoo do you use?:Pantene Pro V
Do you get along with your parents?: For the most part
Are you old enough to vote?: 5 Days!
Do you have mental breakdowns?:yeah but who doesnt every once in a while?
-Current Mood:
-Current music:
None, i have a head ache
-Current hair:
him being mad
-Current Longing:
pain pills
-Current Thing I Ought To Be Doing:
Homework, sisterhood, or shower
-Current Windows Open:
Sisterhood schedule, aim, itunes
-Current Favorite Music Artist?:
ALOT, jason mraz, james blunt, panic at the disco, yellowcard, the list goes on forever.