Should be studying

Sep 05, 2007 11:39

Only caught a bit of Californnication but thought it looked interesting enough for a second viewing. Not so Managing director of the Australian Christian Lobby Jim Wallace, who today slammed the show as morally bereft, criticising a sex scene involving a teenage girl.

"Mr Wallace called on the government to play a greater role in the selection of content for the mainstream media."

"Mr Wallace had never seen a remote and wouldn't know how to use one if it was handed to him"

"Mr Wallace believed that as an adult he had no more ability to regulate his tv watching than a toddler"

On to more important stuff; Apec has stuck in my throat. No joke. I think my indignation over leaders week has given me a cold. Which really sucks as i'm to weak to march. So here i sit in my room wrapped in blankets about to give livejournal another go

It's topping $330 million dollars for the week. $170 million of that on security for the week. Thats a little over $24 million dollars a day of tax payer money to secure these jerks. Thats more than the entire security for the Sydney Olympic games which lasted more than two weeks and had 100's of dignitaries in attendance. It came to roughly $152 million.

I was talking to my dad yesterday and he was telling me that he can remember when Lyndon Johnson came to Australia during the Vietnam war. At the time he was a very unpopular man with the majority of people who were opposed to the war. Still, even with this level of unpopularity he got out of his limo to shake hands with people everywhere he went. Fear sells security and keeps certain areas of the economy going strong (oops i had a dizzy flu moment).

The Apec Bill passed in NSW is a scary beast as well. It provides for the set up of special areas around Sydney that can be changed at any time, in which the police have far increased powers including the power to search someone without providing a reason and confiscate items of interest. There is a report by an activist on the stop bush coalition webpage of having her laptop confiscated and being told to provide her computers password or face being kept in detention for an extended period of time. Included in the legislation is a so-called 'excluded persons' list, featuring those who are not allowed to enter the city centre. The NSW Police Commissioner Mr Andrew Scippione, refused to disclose details of the people on that list, what they have done to be included on the list, or the number on the list. How can a person know the law if the laws they are subject to are not disclosed? It has been reported in the media that this secret list is not open to judicial review. I find this hard to believe but if it is true is a gross defilement of the rule of law and separation of powers with the executive adopting sovereign judicial powers.

NSW Education Minister John Della Bosca warned students against protesting during APEC next month. Mr Della Bosca said that attending APEC protests was not a legitimate excuse for students to miss school. He even wrote to school principals instructing them to mark students who attended the protest on September 5 as "absent without leave". WTF! There are even teams of Police travelling around on public transport etc taking the names of these kids with the Police Commissioner stating that they may end up giving the names to parents and schools etc. Good to see they're fighting the good fight.

The Daily Telegraph (:S) even went so far as to report that a range of radical groups were recruiting high school students to take part in the planned Mass CBD disrutpion. Dum dum dumb! Who are these "radical" groups you ask? Well in the article we are informed that the include resistance and the socialist alliance, Maritime Union of Australia, Amnesty International, the Greens, Vietnamese and Chinese groups, and Critical Mass. Amnesty International? Those radical fuckers trying to help out the downtrodden. I hope they're on the front lines when they unleash the water cannons. Unless the Maritime Union is some form of union for pirates i doubt they're too radical. Oh wait! They're a Union. Boo! (seriously what is with the current demonising of unions? Unions have been at the fore front of a hell of alot of positive social change in democracies). And the best one of them all has gotta be Critical Mass. Sounds scary right? Not so scary if you realise that it's that biking group that stages mass city bike rides. Damn Radicals!

Or Ferals as Morris Iemma has labeled anyone who disagrees with the way they have directed tax revenue and squashed civil liberties that were held in high esteem. According to the NSW premier (who has me this close to voting Liberal in the next election) these ferals are seeking to exploit school students during the Apec week. This is presumably before they eat them in an orgy of "feral"istic fury. This exploitation (and probably sexploitation and blaxploitation knowing those damn ferals) includes such diabolical methods as handing out fliers near schools. Damnit! They're exploiting implied freedom of information to exploit our children.

Premier Iemma (thats an imperfect rhyme) has stated that "If you have a point to make and you want to make a point, there will be ample opportunity for that to happen.
"It seems there are individuals who don't want to do that, who want to provoke and cause a disturbance and no doubt they will complain about the police response afterwards."
Hopefully someone mentions to Iemma how the NSW police have tried to take out an injunction to stop the March falsifying details of the route proposed by the stop bush coalition and then when the Injunction was rejected by the courts as being unlawful the Police Commisioner stated that they would do everything in their power to stop the march anyway.

What have we become?
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