President Vicente Fox of Mexico just declined to sign the bill discussed in my previous post, repeated below. He sent it back to Congress so it could make "necessary corrections to be absolutely clear that..." Well, he yielded to pressure from neighboring authorities up north.
Very strange news from our neighbors across the border to the south this morning. The
Mexican Senate voted (53/26) to roll back many anti-drug provisions in their federal law. According to the article in El Universal, it is now legal to possess:
opio preparado para fumar, cinco gramos; heroína, sus sales o preparados, 25 gramos; cannabis o mariguana, cinco gramos; erythroxilon novogratense o cocaína, 500 miligramos.
That is actually the first time that I recall reading the scientific name for the coca plant, erythroxilon novogratense. I guess that Condi Rice can now safely take that green charango down to Mexico.