Mar 21, 2010 15:24
He's been on my mind a lot today... sometimes I wish he would just leave my head and I'd never have to think of him again, but, of course, that's not what I really want... I just want it to stop aching like this. I'd like the confidence and stability I had back...please?
Besides that this weekend has actually been very good. I've gone out for walks both days, gotten a lot around the house done, including cleaning and reorganizing the kitchen. I'm starting to settle back into the idea of this apartment being home, instead of wanting to flee like before. I think that was a lot of wanting a change after Per :/ Still, I also am pining for the pretty pretty lofts downtown, especially the Mill City ones. I'd love to live in that area. Someday...
I'm not sure what to do about my future. I was thinking massage would be great, but this weird condition with my hands is making me reconsider. Suddenly not being able to move two or three of my figures for a few days would be very bad in that line of work. But if not massage, what? Psychology/therapy would be cool, but that is a lot of time and money, and I'm not sure if I'll have work long enough to get through it all. With massage at least I can get it done on a year... Game design is out of the question, due to cost, lack of skill/creativity, and the huge flood of skilled competition would make it hard to find work. Also there are next to no companies in Minneapolis and I don't really want to move...
So far my best skills are highly domestic, so unless I marry rich, I'm stuck to being a butler, and that is not what I want to do with my life, I know that much.
So :/
What could you see me doing well?