Beyond the Horizon

Dec 02, 2004 10:17

Picked this up yesterday, and in spite of my cat's best efforts to make sure I paid attention to her and not the book, I got it read.
I don't have the time now for a full review, but overall, I liked it very much. I could have done with the first chapter being a book of it's own, and hearing more about Asia and Europe, but I'm happy to get what was there. I have to admit, the little blurb in the front about the future of the line didn't fill me with hope for more books, but after reading some of the authors comments in other forums, I wasn't exactly holding my breath for new books. On a more positive note, what I have seen though, is that a lot of people who jumped on the "this is blasphemy! It's not the same game I played at a 12 year old!" bandwagon actually read the game for themselves, and found that it wasn't at all what they'd been lead to expect by the naysayers. In particular, I liked the explanation for why so much of the GW has references to our culture, it worked for me.
It doesn't look like I'll be running my planned GW game anytime soon, there's been a lot of pleading/whining/threatening in my direction to resume my StarGate game, but after reading this book, I have an idea, and I think they'll be making the trip to GW wether they know it or not.

I would like to thank Bruce and all the others who worked on this line and took it in the direction they did. It's not '78 anymore, and I'm not 11 years old, and I'm not looking for the same things in a game now as I did then. I felt that GWd20 managed to retain some of the humor, and a lot of the sense of wonder of the original while creating a world I found to be a living thing, not just a dungeon in disguise.
Thanks again, someday I hope there's a call for a GWd20 revised edition, and I hope you all are involved in it.
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