Actually, I'm not to down on the whole "Holiday Cheer" thing this year. Am a little grouchy at Holly for starting a second Amazon account without telling me, so I ended up getting her a CD she wanted three years ago, but the other present hopefully will make up for it. Spent all of my birthday money. They're wrapped and under the tree.
Yes I wrapped something. Please don't die of shock.
...And what else? ExpressBlog! Um... Am regent of GP in spite of my dream of never holding an office again, actually placed in a tourney, dreamed I was a rat that was actually a demon and when some random old lady tried to kill me on my way to my Mom's house it became apparent my whole body was a very odd quad-hinged mouth and we threw down. She had a rolling pin. Dreamed I was at work and people brought Taco Bell food in, dreamed... dreamed... I lost it.
People still think we're going to give them food poisoning. Crackheads. As if we wouldn't have found the tainted lettuce by now and we get our lettuce here in town not from the supplier that sold TJs tainted lettuce to those three store up north. And stupid Taco Bell. They keep showing the commercial with their chairman. Need to just let it go. Between that and the holiday rush business has been... irregular. :P Birthday party was good. Lot of people I would have liked to see didn't show. Don't blame Angel, rat allergies + pneumonia = bad. Was good though. Need to get out more.
Tomarrow we go to the Hotel for my family get together, than hop in the car and head to Le Mars, spend the night, open presents, be groggy, and come back to have dinner at my Mom's house. I swear I've gained five pounds since Thanksgiving. Been eating cookies since 11:30 AM Thursday. Scored a kids potato bag full of white chocolat covered pretzels (almond bark actually, though I read the ingredients and found no almond, go figure) and Holly made these thing out of regular and white chocolat swirled together with crumbled up Oreos, and I know I wasn't supposed to eat any but I just tried a little bit. Is very tasty.
I wish it would snow. I miss snow. Should just give in and make my sleds into shields. But damn it, I want to go sledding!
Link to Christmas related webcomic. Go read. Or else. *shakes fist*