Feb 20, 2008 05:04
I took a pair of pliers to the cappuccino machine today. I thought I had it made when it started putting out real espresso and stopped squirting water out of the steam nozzle the whole time it was turned on.
It was a real problem. Bleh, water espresso...
But it turns out that now, I can't turn the steam wand on at all .Is stuck but good. Am planning on just epoxying on a socket and trying a socket wrench to open and close it, but in the mean time am just microwaving the milk. Isn't great, but better than a bad shot with well steamed milk.
The PS2 is all set. With a LOT of weird finagling of the cable modem/DHCP server and PS2client, I can serve media right to SMS instead of copying it over with my newly repaired USB drive. Samba was supposed to be easier than ps2client, but though it listed the directories, I couldn't get into them. I'm obviously missing something important, but I don't know what. But who cares! It works! Although I did get a BSOD when trying to load a movie the first time, everything else worked out like a charm. A fluke that first time.
Since the broken USB drive turned out to actually be a laptop drive in a fancy case, I just yanked the drive out of our old and rarely used laptop. I'll probably be putting it back after Clauson comes over to burn the second PS2 Linux DVD for me. Still pissed about the first one being mostly a 1gig dummy file. You'd think they'd compress something like that...
Well, stayed up way too late again. Night!