Chainmail Thongs and YOU:

Jan 10, 2006 10:50

Well... I've basically been home all this time playing Civ 4... and ording things online, like a manpurse and t-shirts and 41 lbs of chainmail rings for my new armour. If I have any extra I could make chainmail leashes, collars and thongs for anyone that asks *looks at Craig*

And I think I could very well be unhirable, unless it is by a company that doesn't do background checks? *shrugs*


January [Dead Things]: Went to Kyle Knighton's dad's funeral today at my old school and parish (St Marks). It was very nice. Part of me enjoys funerals because of the closeness of all the people there.

Febuary [Damn the Gods]: *sigh* I've had my car long enough to get it stuck in a ditch.... damnit. Update: Got it out. Took an hour though. I'll pictures posted eventually, just for shits ang giggles.

March [Nothing Happening o'er here]: Title says most of what I have to say. Other than that, I'm going on a diet (yay!), I got a date for the prom (x2 yay), however, I've fallen behind schedule for my armor, but I am working out more on DDR, such that today was the first time that I was able to play an hour straight with mostly light, but some standard.

April [Weekly What's Update]: Nothing new has happened at all.... well, I have lost about 13 lbs total and got my senior project accepted. May is looking to be a good month for me.

May [Prom...]: Prom kinda sucked for me because my date would not talk or engage in converstion at all. Then she left early at the prom party because of a "food allergy." I don't believe it.

June [Cyas]: Graduation was long, but very eventful for me. As we were driving along I-70 in stop and go traffic the windshield wipers were acting funny. When we go 1/2 to I-695 our car stopped and refused to go. The alternator failed. We were stuck in the middle lane during rush hour at 5:35-ish.

July [Weekend Report]: as been ages since my last update hasn't it? Well, I've borrowed my neighbor's gamecube to play Legend of Zelda, which has been fun.
But, of course, yesterday, was Ryan's Party which was awesome.

August [Updatage]: Probably should say what has happened... well, I got my brakes fixed at midas yesterday, which was great. UH... I have a job at the renaissance festival starting this weekend and every weekend until novemberish pointing cars into parking spots.

September [Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town]: My God, it's been so long... Well... work rocks and sucks, like the people (parking staff and security and some vendors) and the pay are awesome, but the people (Patrons and some of the other workers) and conditions (It's hot and dusty and loooong) suck.

October [In the words of David of Parking Staff: Ba da bing]: Saturday it rained. And people went to the festival. I had to push cars out of the mud. I got sprayed with mud. 4 buses of drunk college students came... it was hell. Sunday wasn't too bad.

November [Burn]: Also.... I hit a parked car at UMBC trying to park it on the loop around Public Policy.

December [The more you know!!!]: Uh... my parents can be weird at times... like my mom likes to go to model houses and tell them that we are looking for a new house since meh bro and I are going to college. When she isn't. And this other time, my dad charged himself up with a blanket and when my mom wanted him to look at something online he touched her tongue and zapped her. She screamed and he laughed himself into a coma.
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