Come In, Come In, The Door's Unlocked...

Jun 25, 2020 09:46

"About Me" Post
2013 Fanfiction Year in Review
2014 Scrapbook

Canon Challenge
My Kink List
My Ship List
Canon Character Profiles
Next-Gen Character Profiles

Het Fic
Slash Fic
Femmeslash Fic
Single-Character Gen Fic
Multiple-Character Gen/Multiple-Character Romance Fic

I give blanket permission to creators of transformative works (including but not limited to podfic, remixes, translations, fanvids, mixes and art) to create work based on my writing, but please credit/link my original work (it can be as simple as "this was inspired by gamma_x_orionis") and pop me a message when it's up so that I can admire and link it.  I'll be very happy and excited, I promise!

Do sit down and have a cup of tea, won't you?
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