did you all have a happy Halloween?

Nov 02, 2014 15:44

I certainly did! I was an Edwardian lady, complete with hand-sewn dress! Yes, I conquered my loathing of cutting out pattern pieces, and the result was fairly awesome. Even though the dress is unhemmed, has no fastenings in the back (I held it together with safety pins) and the collar is only basted on. Whatever. It still worked out.

(Apologies for the blurry picture. It was not the greatest lighting)

I'm also extremely pleased with my hair! I'd wear it like that every day if un-backcombing it wasn't such an ordeal. Is there a trick to undoing backcombing other than just ripping your hair out?

In that rather fabulous costume, I went out with my sort-of boyfriend? to Prince Edward Island's first ever burlesque show, which was AWESOME. Gorgeous and skilled dancers, a great band, and some very entertaining stand-up comedy. And boobs :D. So that was a good time.

And happy November/NaNoWriMo to you all too! I'm so excited to get back to writing my series of NaNo novels! It feels like it's been forever since last November.

I have an appointment with the school writing centre in a few minutes to go over one of my essays (it is six solid pages of fangirling over Edmund and arguing that he is the real tragic hero of King Lear), so I'll cut this post short, but I have a ton of things to ramble about, so expect a longer post from me before too long.

Happy post-Halloween!
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