Icon Meme, Round Two!

Feb 09, 2014 19:22

From nightfalltwen this time :D

1. Reply to this post and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

This is a quote from A Series of Unfortunate Events.  Lemony Snicket is talking about how some stories have morals, and he says "For example, the moral of the Three Bears is never break into someone else's house.  The moral of Snow White is never eat apples.  And the moral of World War I is never assassinate Archduke Ferdinand".  So obviously I needed that quote in gif format.  The frames were originally separate icons, and I put them together so that I could have the full impact of the quote :D

It's a pretty girl in a corset.  I don't think much else needs to be said.  I just love corsets, and I love pretty girls, and also this particular pretty girl reminds me of Taylor Swift in the Love Story music video, which pleases me, because I have more of a ~thing~ for Taylor Swift than I'd entirely like to admit.

I have not yet attempted making love in a canoe, but it is totally on my bucket list.  It's practically my national duty, right?  *Waves Canadian flag patriotically*

Ahh, another pretty girl!  She reminds me a bit of Aurora from Sleeping Beauty... only, you know, less 2-dimensional.  I'm not sure which I love more, her dress or her pose... but either way, I would like very much to be there in the picture with her.  Yes.

Draco/Luna :D  There aren't many icons to be found featuring them (probably because of the very very few frames of the movies that they shared), so I pretty much took what I could get.  I like the blue colours in the background and the soft-focus-ish look to this one, but mostly I like that it's Draco and Luna holding hands :)


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