n e w f i c s
Living Our Lives, Together {Lavender and Parvati, G, for
Tinsel {Luna/Ginny, G, for
All in Good Fun {Cho/Ginny, NC-17, for
hpsapphicappealBest of Friends {Hermione/Ginny, PG, for
hpsapphicappealGetting into Trouble {Lucy/Molly II, NC-17, for
Insolent {Padma/Pansy, PG-13, for
Lingerie {Astoria/Pansy, PG-13, for
Thank You, Mistress {Hermione/Pansy, NC-17, for
The Famous Bellatrix Lestrange {Bellatrix and Pansy, PG, for
Lost in the Intensity {Bellatrix/Voldemort, NC-17, for
Worse than a Family Dinner {Bellatrix/Sirius, NC-17, for
Uninformed {Bellatrix/Voldemort, PG-13, for
Ultimate OTP Competition}
The Filth of Your Work {Bellatrix/Voldemort, PG-13, for
Ultimate OTP Competition}
Bad Girls Do it Well {Padma/Pansy, PG-13, for
Slash-Tastic Drabble-a-Thon}
Buttercream Log Cake {Lavender/Parvati, PG-13, for
Vows {Bellatrix/Voldemort, PG-13, for
Ultimate OTP Competition}
A Muggle Disease {Rabastan and Rodolphus, PG, for
Hogwarts Winter Games}
Not Jealous {Callidora/Cedrella, R, for
24 Hour Pairing Challenge}
Offer {Barty/Regulus/Rabastan/Rodolphus, NC-17, for
24 Hour Pairing Challenge}
White Feathers {Narcissa/Lucius, Lucius/Peacock, R, for
24 Hour Pairing Challenge}
Additionally, the following stories/collections were updated:
Les Étrangers {Rodolphus/Rabastan, R}
s t a t i s t i c s
Compete fic count: 20
Fest Submissions: 11
Number of Fics
♥ Het Fics: V
♥ Femmeslash Fics: X
♥ Slash Fics: I
♥ Gen Fics: III
♥ Poly Fics: I
♥ ????Other??? Fics: I
Popular Pairings
♥ Bellatrix/Voldemort [4]
♥ Padma/Pansy [2]
New Pairings/Characters?
Cho/Ginny, Lucy/Molly II, Lavender/Parvati, Callidora/Cedrella, Barty/Regulus/Rabastan/Rodolphus
Favourite Story?
A Muggle Disease, I think. Sick!Rabastan has long been part of my head!canon (something I can thank Marked for Death for), but it's never been the sole focus of a story before, because I usually end focussing more on Rabastan's relationship with Rodolphus, or some of the myriad other problems I inflict the poor boy with. Also, I've never actually been specific about what exactly is wrong with him before. (bearing in mind that, actually, there are like fifty things wrong with him and this story is only about one of them)
Most Fun to Write?
White Feathers! You guys know about me and Lucius/Peacock, right? Well. Lucius/Peacock is a thing, and Narcissa is not pleased.