It's that time of year again!

Dec 30, 2013 01:56


128 fics published/updated within the year 2013

Fics Written:
✭ Het Fics: 45
✭ Femmeslash Fics: 32
✭ Slash Fics: 13
✭ Gen Fics: 23
✭ Poly Fics: 8
✭ ?????IDK???? (other) Fics: 4

Popular Pairings
✭ Bellatrix/Voldemort (XX)
✭ Rodolphus/Rabastan (IX)
✭ Draco/Luna (VI)
✭ Bellatrix/Narcissa (V)
✭ Rodolphus/Narcissa (V)
✭ Padma/Pansy (IV)
✭ Bellatrix/Rodolphus (III)
✭ Hermione/Ginny (II) Lucius/Narcissa (II) Daphne/Pansy (II) Andromeda/Lily (II) Hermione/Viktor (II) Bellatrix/Sirius (II)

Meme Questions:

Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
Less, I'm afraid, though only because my standards were made unrealistically high by the obscene number of fics I published last year.  Obviously, my turnout for this year is not at all small (and I wrote about 60K on Les Étrangers, which counts for something), but it is a comedown from last year.

Where did you publish/archive your stories?  I tried to be good about cross-posting at Ao3, but I wasn't.  I only published fics at my journal when I thought they would interest some of you.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Uhh... Harry/Ginny, I guess.  I mean, it's not like I totally hate that pairing (not that that's ever stopped me from writing something; see Molly Weasley, Dramione, Umbridge, etc), but I didn't predict having anything to write about them.  I only wrote the story because I was in a challenge on where one remixed someone else's fics and the person I was assigned only had one finished story.

Did you take any writing risks this year?
My baseline for risk is so high that it's getting hard to top, to be honest.  I mean, what counts as a risky story when you've already covered torture and murder kinks, parent/child incest, and bestiality?  It's not like I can get ~edgier~.  And what is there to risk?  My consistent readership?  WHAT consistent readership?  It's not like there's anyone who follows me who tries to read everything I write.  I can do whatever I want at no risk whatsoever to myself.
I suppose, from another perspective (not putting anything outward at risk, but putting the success of the story at risk), I did experiment with genres that I wasn't sure would turn out well, like Modus Operandi, which is an assassin AU that I wrote for hamimifk at femmefest.

Do you have any writing goals for the new year?
Write every day.  Every single day.  Fanfic, journal entries, original fiction, blog posts, book reviews, whatever - just write SOMETHING every single day.  This is my design goal.

What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
I was torn about my answer for this.  On the one hand, Les Étrangers is my pet and I'm very attached to it.  On the other, it's draining my soul like a Dementor that's been cross-bred with a leech.  I really liked The Nature of Dominance, because how can one go wrong with Domme!Bella?  I'm also really pleased with certain aspects of my smutty_claus story, but I can't tell you what or why because secret.  (You will never guess which fic is mine.  Never)

Okay, NOW your most popular story?
Welcome to Burlesque, I think!  It has the good fortune of being posted in Rectober, so it benefitted from several people recommending it (and from having a certain fairly quotable line). Good for Nothing is also about on par with it comment-wise, over various platforms, though Good for Nothing is a lot less fun than Welcome to Burlesque.

Story of yours most underappreciated by the universe, in your opinion?
Les Étrangers.  The level of underappreciation is part of what makes it drain my soul like a leech Dementor.  I love that story so much, and it makes me sad that no one cares about it (or, at least, no one cares about it enough to let me know once in a while *bitter*).  On the other hand (never let it be said that I don't find a bright side in everything!), the fact that I'm not worried about pleasing regular readers means that I can do whatever I damn well please with it, which is why there is so very much infidelity.  Author appeal. Yay :D

Story that could have been better?
My Kinky Kristmas story has caused/is causing me a lot of anxiety.  I literally rewrote the whole thing seven times, and *bites nails*.

Most fun story to write?
I had a lot of fun writing Gilderoy this year, both in Kiss the Mirror and Romancing with Rita.  He's just a blast to write about!  Writing So Why Do You Care? was also awesome, because Krystal/Pansy OTP.  Oooh, and In Which Sybill Trelawney Receives Magnificent News.  Dolores Umbridge may be one of the scariest villains ever written, but she's so delightfully horrible :)

Story with single sweetest moment?
In its way, I think Motherless is quite sweet.  I mean, it's still dark and rather troubling in its implications about Voldemort's mental state, but the troubling aspects - to my mind - make it all the sweeter that Voldemort is actually willing to make himself marginally vulnerable to Bellatrix.  Awww.

The story that made you cry?
I don't think anything I wrote made me cry, but I think that Not an Angel is very sad.  My poor dear psychotic Lily Luna.

Most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story?
My reaction to this is similar to the writing risks above... what is 'wrong' that I haven't already written?  But on further consideration, I don't think anyone really expected Motherless.  I kind of don't think that even the person who prompted it expected Motherless. I expected Motherless, but only because I'm attached to my interpretation of Tom as having major mommy issues.

Sexiest story?
It's a toss-up between Ornament and In the Garden.  Both are incestuous and involve objects that should not be inserted into orifices being inserted into orifices, so yeah. In the Garden has the advantage of being slightly longer, and also having marginally more focus on boobs, so I'm leaning towards it as the sexiest.

Hardest story to write
My poor Kinky Kristmas entry.  See if I ever try to make a good impression again.  *Funeral for the discarded drafts that did not live up to my extremely lofty standards*

Easiest story to write?
Shit, I don't know.  I don't feel like there were any particular stories that really stood out as easier than all the rest of them.

Most unintentionally telling story
I can't think of anything published this year that gives away a lot about the depths of my psyche, but I think Les Étrangers tells a lot about how much I've been reading about Freudian theory.  The perfection of Rodolphus and Rabastan as complimentary halves of an Oedipus complex only really came into focus in retrospect.

Story you haven't yet written, but intend to
HAHAHA SO MANY.  I have so many ideas for stories that haven't come to fruition yet. Like, at all.  Mostly long stories (I've been so distracted by Les É that all my other long-term projects have totally fallen by the wayside, and all my plans for long stories have been put on hold).  I still want to do a Krystal/Pansy multichapter.  Or how about that Bellamort CBT that I keep planning and never seem to get around to?  And I have plans for a Tom Riddle Jr fic compliant with Les É.

reference: retrospective, regarding fandom, meme, writing

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