Fandom Snowflake Challenge || Days One and Two

Jan 02, 2013 14:53

Day One

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

Right, well, first thing, digging through the obscene amount that I've written was definitely the fun part of this one. I tried very hard to narrow it down to three, but I couldn't, so you're actually getting seven. Sorry...

Anyhow, let's get started.

These are the five works that, if everything else about me was forgotten, I'd want to have people remember. These are five that, not only do I consider my more solid work, but that more or less span the range of what I write. If I wanted to give people a good idea of the sort of things I write, these would be what I'd think about.

1. Ghost of a Rose (Rabastan/Andromeda, Rabastan/Voldemort). Okay, funny thing about this one, it's actually a companion to a similar story called Autumn Sky that I wrote before, which I would have considered one of my defining works before I wrote this. At first, I didn't like how this was going at all, but it picked up momentum as I went. I consider this a bit of a bridge between Autumn Sky and Les Étrangers - a bridge between my older, relatively light, more action-focussed style and my newer, darker, more character/world-building-based style.

2. Darkest Romance (Bellatrix/Voldemort). No Gamma!list would be complete without Bellamort, after all. Darkest Romance is a drabble collection, which is a genre that I have a beautiful love-hate relationship with on account of loving drabbles but rarely having the patience to finish collections. Darkest Romance isn't anything new or innovative, I don't think, but it is pretty much the prototypical example of Bellamort.

3. Roses Lie Waiting (Narcissa). This is where I started to get really quite morbid in my writing. Up until this point, I primarily wrote angsty but ultimately non-traumatizing stories about unpleasant moments in peoples' lives, and this remains one of the darkest things I've written, rivalled only by Cassiopeia's Asylum. Roses Lie Waiting was also the first time that I really started creating head!canon for the Black family that remained consistent for any period of time, and it irrevocably changed my opinion on Cygnus Black. *Shudders*

4. Fascination of the Darkest Kind (Lily Luna). I've gone on about this one before, so I'll be brief. This is where I started getting autobiographical, where I started exploring not only the twisted psyches of my characters, but also of myself, taking my own thoughts, neuroses and obsessions to their logical conclusion at a level higher than what they'd reached in me. I'm working on a longer, more detailed version of this story, and if I was anywhere near done, I'd put it in this slot, but it's not, so.

5. Innocent (Luna). This also goes in the category of "feels like no one ever saw" :P This was rather experimental for me - I don't often write Luna's point of view (because DAMN, she's difficult), but the idea of writing Luna, not as the quirky, cheerful character she is in OotP and HBP, but more as a rather disturbed, socially isolated, emotionally undeveloped, slightly creepy character with a very poor grasp of how to interact with others (which, at times, she kind of is)... that appealed to me. I want to work with that character more, but Innocent was the reason I became interested in it in the first place.

Day Two
In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you did not create. See if you can rec fanworks that are less likely to be praised: tiny fandoms, rare pairings, fanworks other than stories, lesser known kinks or tropes. Find fanworks that have few to no comments, or creators new to a particular fandom and maybe aren't well known or appreciated. Appreciate them.

In the interest of fairness, of course, I've chosen to do five of these as well. These don't have any particular theme - they're just fanworks that I keep going back to over and over again.

1. Dancing in Snow (Luna). AAWWWWWW. LOOK AT LUNA AND HER LILAC CLOTHES AND HER HAT AND HER RADISH EARRINGS AND HER HAIR AND THE SNOWFLAKES AND JUST SQUEEEEEEEEE ♥ I can't even say anything coherent about this, it just makes me feel so happy and wintery and wanting of Luna's coat.

2. Pansy/Blaise and I'm not sure if this has a title. Delphine, darling, does it? *Ahem* Let me just make clear from the start that nearlyconscious is A FABULOUS ARTIST and everything she touches is gorgeous. I especially like this because it's also funny on so many different levels (which get progressively more wrong the longer you think about it, so that's always good!). Do check out her fanart tag and look at everything else too :)

3. Marked for Death (Death Eaters). It's a little disturbing to go back and read this now and realize how much this one story shaped me. I read it before I got into the fandom properly, when I was just dipping my toes in in secret and it... wow. Details about the characterization (Rabastan, most notably, but the other characters as well) were parts of my head!canon when I started writing, and they only became better-established as I went on. The world is fantastic, the characters are fantastic, and unlike most things in the "humour" category in, it's legitimately funny. I owe a lot to this story, and everyone should read it.

4. My Immortal by Zenia Wulfe (Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way). Okay, the first couple of videos in this series are... not so great, but then Zenia Wulfe hits her stride and these become ONE OF THE BEST ADAPTATIONS OF MY IMMORTAL THAT I'VE EVER SEEN. I consider My Immortal deeply hilarious, and the art going along with them is brilliant.

5. Rising Up (Draco/Luna). Hey, friends, do YOU like getting your heart torn out and stomped into the ground? Do you feel an urge to inject more heartbreak into your life? If so, you should read this. I won't go into too much detail for fear of spoiling it, but... tears were shed over this. Originally posted on Dreamwidth. Comment on either site ♥

type: recs, snowflake challenge, regarding fandom, meme, fandom: harry potter

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