Jan 05, 2013 14:05
Well, I am glad the holidays are over. I went into my job at the college in order to pick up my paycheck only to find out they decided not to resign my contract and cut my position. That means Im in the hole big time this month, fortunately I can pick up more hours at my other job but not as many as I would like as I have a hard enough time finding sitters for the hours I already work. The College offered me a class in the fall I would be teaching either sculpture or drawing but it doesn't really help right now. I am currently trying to work something out with Conn. College but that is still a ways off. I feel like I just need a real break and not these adjunct positions If I could get my foot in the door somewhere full time I know I would do well. In the mean time I need to focus on getting through my thesis defense which is right around the corner and then decide if I will continue on to a phd track or if I will get a second masters in education, either would make me a more desirable candidate at the better schools.
Otherwise my holiday was fine I had Max X-mas eve and we went to see my family. I have never really been around the Dimmock side and this was the first time I had ever been to my Great uncle Ed and my Aunt Cookie's house. They are great people and I think Max had a good time, certainly better then the two times he has seen my mother who seems to want nothing to do with him or at least make no effort to see him. I shouldn't be surprised I guess and I barely see that side of the family anymore. I just think it would be better for Max if he wasn't around all of that non-sense.
If losing my job wasnt bad enough I also found out I am getting fat, I just went up to a 38 pant size! I usually hover around 225 pounds but I think im closer to 235-240 which is bad news. I think things will be easier this year Max is almost a year old and chasing him is good exercise. I dont make resolutions but if I did mine would be to tone up a bit.
Anyhow, the baby calls...