It's been over a year or so since I'd gotten Yourself!Fitness, the game I inquired about in my first post in this community, and I still use it quite often. While it isn't my only source of exercise (I also go to the gym, bike to school/work, and go for walks and jogs on nice days), it is a nice option to have on crumby days when I just don't feel like leaving the house to go work out. Before deciding to change my life and get healthy, I was nearly 200lbs. I joined the school gym and was down to 170 by the time I got Yourself!Fitness, and now I am down to 136. Already having been a pretty healthy eater, I never went on any strict diets and never went hungry. I love eating :) but now it is important that I love being active, too! I'm very excited to have yet another alternative to at-home work outs--Wii Fit! I really do believe it is worth the price and recommend it to anyone!