Hello, just popping in for another moment to share a few tips I personally find really helpful. Edit:
quietrhythm has dispensed a few pearls of wisdom that I feel need to be added.
1) Don't freak out if you put on weight. A lot of the intro posts I read are about losing weight. This is fine. The main thing I want to drive home here is the fact that doing
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However, to be fair, I think that the poster may have been using the word diet in the since that you and I are saying, not necessarily "go on Weight Watchers/Atkins/South Beach."
If your point is just that some people misinterpret the word and overly restrict only to binge later, then maybe not using the word at all is a good plan, but I think the original poster was talking more about a lifestyle change than a quick fix. ^_^
For some people, it's a lot harder to keep yourself working out if you don't have a routine, or if you've broken your routine.
But you probably already knew this. :)
koemiko covered that better than I did; I meant it more as a mental level than a physical level. The body adapts quite well, as you've said, but it's more the inherent sort of breaking your routine and eventually getting set in a different routine of staying out of your original routine. I, as well as many others, have gone down this path of 'maybe next week.'
And you didn't come off as a bitch. Being bitchy involves insults. From what I can see, it was simply a case of misunderstanding.
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