Jan 07, 2010 23:08
The holidays have come and gone and with that brings the new games received as gifts. For Yule I received Fairy Tale Fights for the xbox 360 from Nathan. I begged and begged for this game guys. From the cover art I could tell this game was just meant for me. Cutesy little fairy tale worlds filled with gallons upon gallons of blood spilling all over. MMMMMmmmm chaos.
Game play goes like this, you are a fairy tale character that has been knocked down from the pedistal of fame. You can choose between Jack from Jack and the beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White or The Naked Emperor from the Emperor's new clothes. I have been playing as Snow White because she seems to be the one that acts the most insane. You start off on a quest to find the overflowing pot of poridge for the three bears to searve thier guests. It was stolen. On your adventure you pick up random weapons and kill the living snot out of anyone who comes in your path.
I absolutely adore this game. The randomness of the weapons is great everything from your usual broadsword right down to a stuffed rabbit. Thus far my favorite is a toss up between the pitchfork and the mallet. The blood is greatness and best of all you can slide through it. Its hilarious. There are achievements to get by sliding in the blood even. It has proven more difficult than I thought it would be to continuously slide through blood for 3 minutes (I will get you achievement oh...yes.....i will).
The point of the whole game is to win your fame back that was taken from you. I have yet to really figure out how but I know I"m building a massive statue in my honor to try and win it back.
The bad stuff? The fighting controls kinda suck you have to wiggle the right joystick around in order to fight anything not button mash. The graphics aren't the best but I didn't really expect anything gradious from it.
In other news I made myself neat little kitty ears and paws that i've been wearing around the house.....I'm random.
xbox 360,
kitty ears,
gamer girl,
fairy tale fights