Posters! and Star Trek! and Moving oh my!

May 27, 2009 13:54

I so wanted to post a long time ago but was waiting patiently for my poster store to finally work and guess what!!!!!?!?!?!?! It does!
SO I bring to you dear readers  my posters!.  The only series that I have been able to do and post thus far was the guitar hero ones.  But this gives me the oppurtunity to open up the forum again to what do you want in your gamer girl poster?  Suggest anything i'll add it to my list and then stay tuned to the store to see it ready to buy and put on your wall!!! Isn't that greatness!


On a different side of life I went and saw the Star Trek movie a while back.  It was pretty rocking.
Best lines that made me rofl:
"Did you know you whistle really loud?"- Kirk
"Get out of the chair"- Spock to Kirk

I liked the action and the actors did a rather good job of playing the characters the originals had created.  Though there were a couple things i didn't like.  WARNING SLIGHT SPOILERS
1. They got a worm hole and a black hole messed up .  I mean seriously you cant use a black hole to travel. 
2.  I feel its kinda a cop out to basically change the time line by time travel just to start the story over the way they wanted.  Though i like the fact i might get more Trek out of this I jut think its pretty dang close to selling out.

I did like how Spock was portrayed due to his struggle being half vulcn half human.  Kirk was well...cocky.  And I had a good time.  Though i want to see it again so I'm not sitting in the second row of the theater looking up Chevok's nose.

And Moving.  Over the last couple weeks we've been going back and forth to our new house we're renting fixing up the outside and moving stuff.  This sunday will be our official move and then I'll be in Des Moines woot!  Since we won't have cable for a bit but will have internets i'm hoping to be gaming and blogging more the first couple weeks :)

guitar hero, implied nudes, posters, moving, gamer girl, star trek, hot posters

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