Dungeons and Dragons and Spore oh my!

Sep 17, 2008 22:13

So sorry for not blogging sooner:(  I didn't forget about you guys honestly.  The world of Sam has not been a happy place lately.  I've been sick since Saturday so its not been fun.  Sam plus fever equals much sleep with my teddy and apple juice.

Anywho, D&D.  So after the be hullabalu of making characters the next Monday came when we were going to have our first session.  We were told by the DM that he will be over at 6 and we can start playing then.  So we had gotten together with some of our players ahead of time and we played rock band while we waited.  6 ocock....no Mark.    6:30 still no Mark (nor a call).  7 comes around and he finally walks through the door and tells us he didn't have anything prepared so Rock Band was cool.  I was like wait what?  Didn't we just get rushed last week into making characters because you just had to play and then you don't have anything prepared.  Not only that but you show up late to your own game without calling to let us know?  Whoa dude.

So Rock Band it was.  Still fun but it wasn't me playing my mute.

So Last Monday we actually played.  Much to my surprise it was fun.  Mark introduced my character in quite a funny way.  Of course we all met at a tavern the "adjective noun" combo as usual.   I came in and waved hello to the barkeep and he held up a sign that read "Hello Lyla How are you?"  Clever make fun of the mute.  it was cute though but the rest of the party was like look at that girl why does she get a sign?  Why is she so special?  At least there were oppurtunities for good role play then.

The plot thus far consists of us all being from different guilds  have been summoned to be an escort for an embassador for the king of Cormyr (despite that Cormyr has no king).  The embassador was a pompus asshole who told us we had to die for him for 500 gold each if trouble were to come our way.  Granted we are only 4th level to start with we felt for someone we know nothing about that that was a rather umm stupid request.  That and he was really jerky to his servant girl who was really pleasant to us (we later found she was an assassin sent to poisin him).

A short little gaming session  but we had alot of funny moments.  Here's just a few:

--Joe's character only wears a loin cloth and Mark made it so it was a guild trait and when a messnger was sent to him this was said... "He pulls out of what you hope is his pocket...... (weird pause).......an envelope." Apparently loincloths have pockets now.

--Dan- "First time in the bush?"  Mark- "Yeah in quite a while"

--Mark was describing some treasure we found when we defeated some orcs, "You get a couple hundred pieces of......gold peices."

--Mark- "Your coming is expected"- oh is it? lol

Other funny events happened when i would shake my journel symbolizing erasing what I was saying to another character, and when Dan's familar actually became a puppet Raven that I have. If people are interested sometimes I video tape little snippets of game with our FLIP.  I could post them on here if anyone wants to see.

Ok so I haven't gotten to the middle of the universe yet buts the game is sooooo fun.  I'm in the creature stage with one creature (care bears part 2) and in the space stage with my first creation when we started up the game.  Nathan and I well mostly nathan made a Nightmare before christmas race and all the buildings and such.  Super cool.

I'll probably blog about spore again once I get to play the space stage a while longer.  I've been working on making our halloween costumes so I've been a little preoccupied.  I'm also making a pirate lolita outfit for my Birthday party :)

dungeons and dragons, dnd, role playing, spore

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