Oh yeaahhh I should blog

Aug 25, 2008 16:14

I've had the past week off from work.  Went to Chicago to visit some family and played games and talked about wedding crap.  It was great to be able to geek out with my dad and sister again.  We played on my dad's 360 and my sister and I played on playstation 2.

My sister and I played against each other in battle mode on Aerosmith guitar hero on playstation 2.  Usually playing games with my sister is degrading.  You see she's two years younger than me and obviously found the technical and sciencey part of the brain that runs in parts of our family.  I on the other hand am a bit slower and artistic.  So I could be showing my sister a new game and with in seconds she understands it better than I do when I'm the one that has had it for months.  Its major bummer and makes me sad.  This wasn't the case with Aerosmith, we bought it when it debuted.  My sister plays on expert, I play on medium.  But when we battled I was winning.  Partially because when you play on medium your attacks come before the expect player but also because I'm just uber like that.  Well not really because after about i dunno....three or four wins we started tying and going into sudden death.  That was craziness.

My dad showed me portal, much fun indeed.  Glados is my hero.  I heart her forevers.  I'm sure the game would have been much more fun if it wasn't for my dad telling me exactly what to do on every level.  Much sucky.  But at least now I can laugh a bit more when we sing Still Alive in Rock Band.  We lent my dad Mass Effect ( I haven't finished it yet but have been too busy to enjoy it, and our tv is too small for me to read the dialogue options without earning a massive headache.).  He spent almost all his time playing that when we went out there which was saddness because we couldn't do much else but sit and watch.    He lent us Bioshock, which i played half way through on the pc already.  Mostly so that we can get the achievements.  He also lent us Tomb Raider.  There will be much drooling  over Lara Croft  for the Sam.

We preordered Fable 2.  I can not stop playing the pub games.  So when in doubt of where I am until Spore comes out Pub Games.  All about the pub Games.  I mostly have been playing the roulette in tournaments not doing too bad either.  But I do like the tower game as well.  If you haven't downloaded the demo to try them yet they are addicting.

Tonight we might actually be playing Dnd once again. *Dances around with glee*  The sole issue is that Nathan is not DMing.  Mark is going to try his hand at it since Nathan has been busy busy with writing (He recently got a short story published and they want more.)  I haven't played a game under Mark before so this shall be interesting.  If we do play I'll make sure to blog about how it went.  I have yet to come up with a character concept.  I might try my hand at a cleric or a ranger- two I normally do not play.  As long as he's not using 4th ed I'll play....we shall see..

dnd, portal, pub games, mass effect, bioshock, tomb raider, aerosmith guitar hero, fable 2

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