It was inevitable. The Skyrim bug did bite me and the blog is here!. I have logged about 72 hours thus far into my mage khajit and I am level 31. Where to begin? As por usual I love Bethesda. They create games for a little girl like me to run around and collect a bunch of shit that I know I will never sell to anyone and just pile in my house. In Skyrim the main collection for me is....Can we guess?........SWEET ROLLS!!! Hehe
Granted my collection is not this vast I liked the image. My pile of these wonderful sweets just happens to be on my bed in my house in Whiterun. I wonder how many sweetrolls this picture really has. Holy Cow. Anyways,....
For those who have not started playing the new gamer craze let me enlighten you. You begin as prisoner being carted off to the executioner. For what crime? Not a clue. You create your character and are asked to step forward off the cart when a dragon attacks the town you are in. You run through the town trying to get to your safety and eventually are released from your shackles to help defend the town. Once the dragon has disappeared you begin your journey.
You come upon some stones called Guardian stones and pic the usual mage, warrior, theif routes and go one with the game. After you kill your first dragon you stand there and a bunch of brightly colored swirls start being absorbed into your body.
Once this occurs they start calling you a dragonborn. As you play the game you find out what this means and get to have all sorts of interesting "shout" abilities. Its the usual get quest, go fight off bad guys to complete quest, get loot and level sort of RPG.
So back to my character. I focus mostly on destruction magic, fire of course. I smith a lot. Make potions a lot. And have been trying to do every quest I can get my hands on that is not the main greybeard and skyrim war quests. I have a fascination with doing quests for the daedric. The loot at the end of these quests are usually pretty kick ass.
Pros of this game. Highly addictive and story lines are enriched and well thought out. I find myself fighting to put the controller down to go to bed or heaven forbid go into the real world. I always want to know what is in store next for my character if I finish another plot point. The land is gorgeous, realistic rivers and oceans as well as grand forests and wintery tundra. I enjoy being able to create things my character needs with smithing and potion creation and cooking. Makes the game more realistic to me.
Now the cons. Everyone has said it and so will I, this is probably one of the buggiest games I have ever played. For instance, in my house there is a bookshelf at one point I could put books on now I no longer have access to. I have seen flying rabbits, dragons fly through mountains and my follower walk in a never ending circle on the top floor of my home. My husband has found that fast traveling with a horse is not always the best idea especially to the mage's college because it lands you on the bridge where you cant walk your horse forward or back and when you get off the horse you fall to your doom. Another flaw to this game is the limited voice acting. A shopkeeper in one town sounds like the jarl in another sounds like get the idea. For such a large crew of characters you would think that there would be a bit more voice acting involved.
Overall I love this game. I haven't had too many crazy antics. Though I have just unlocked the third word to unrelenting force and find myself walking into a room, pondering a minute, saving, and then FUS RO DAH and watching the plates, cups and whatever else is in the room fly everywhere. I save so in case something hits someone I don't want to hit I can reload without having to fight the towns guards all at once. Till next time!