
May 14, 2006 22:45 was after the trance-like singing and ethereal dancing, after each had entered that small space to sit still as stone in the very center with solitary secret selves, after we chose to be transformed or reborn to the tune of cymbols crashing, drums pounding, random shouts of: "Yay! It's a girl!" as we emerged with fresh tender skin, after the quickening chant had drifted up into the darkened sky touch us, change us, touchus changeustouchuschangeus voices rising with delirium, after we fell to the ground panting, our fingers laced in green fragrant hair, hearts pounding, cheeks flushed, limbs throbbing...

It was after all that.

I lay stretched long and limber with my belly on her belly, my forehead pressed lightly against her cool breast, taking deep deep nosey inhales of that scent that I only know as 'home'. I eased back into my body. My heart returned to normal. My breath eased into a soft whispering sigh. I could feel my skin cool against her solidity, a thousand tiny pinpricks.

Then stillness. Everywhere. Even inside of me which never happens ever. Just as I was realizing what was happening, it was already slipping away from me and then was gone.
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