Dec 24, 2008 20:25
Christmas has been cancelled at Dad's care home, because of an outbreak of norovirus disease. I was going to go round there Christmas Day, but I've only just recovered from the flu' (except for a cough and a runny nose), so I don't know if I still should...
Joost has become completely paralysed and has lost the ability to speak. Remarkably, he still clings on to life, but quite honestly he's not expected to last much longer...His wife told me he could go at any moment, and she's afraid of leaving the house for even the slightest errand. His daughter, who is 7, is throwing tantrums because the situation frightens her so. My heart goes out to them this Christmas, but there's very little I can do, and I think they need to experience these final days as a family without interruptions or intrusions. I'm glad though that not too long ago, I got to spend a day with Joost, and we walked, and talked, and said goodbye.
Which is not to say I won't be heartbroken when he goes -- but at least I can remember him, standing tall in the sunlight, smiling, and accepting of his lot without the slightest hint of anger or self-pity. I will always be grateful for having had his friendship for so long.
real life