Nov 30, 2008 09:02


[who:] Atem and Yuugi
[when:] Last night.
[why:] Atem was sick and came over to Yuugi's. HOT SMEX ENSUED. lol, just kidding, but there is quite a bit of fluff yay! /o/ and kissing eeee


Atem opened the door to the game shop, eyes widening slightly at the warm air when he stepped in. Ah. So maybe it was cold out. "Aibou?" he called out, and regretted it immediately. He sounded like a dying cat.

Deciding that Atem wasn't being all the bright about this sick thing, Yuugi had gone downstairs into the kitchen to prepare something hot for him. 'Hm, soup...maybe hot chocolate? I'll ask when he gets here," he thought to himself. He was about to sit down at the table when he heard Atem's scratchy voice through the door. He sighed and stood up to open the door between the shop and house. "Other me?"

Atem smiled sheepishly at Yuugi. "Hi, aibou," he answered softly, so as not to irritate his throat more. He walked towards the back of the shop, stopping in front of Yuugi. "It sounds worse than it is," he told him.

Yuugi raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure," he said, but dropped it there. "Come in," he gestured toward the table on the other side of the door. "Want anything? You're shivering."

Atem blinked at that. "I am?" He hadn't noticed. "It's fine. I'm not really hungry." Still, he moved to sit down at the table, taking off the bracelets from his wrists. They were cold.

Yuugi smiled slightly. "First thing I noticed. Well, besides your voice. You sound awful."

Atem shrugs light heartedly. "I told you I had a sore throat." He can't really take offense to the comment when it's true.

Yuugi, still standing, moved from the cupboard. "Want some hot chocolate?"

Atem's brow furrowed in thought. "I... we never had that, did we?"

"Hm," Yuugi thought. "I don't think so. So, I take that as a yes?"

"Ah. Sure, why not," Atem answered, turning to look at the inside of Yuugi's kitchen. He'd never really taken the time to observe it before.

Yuugi reached into the cabinet, taking out mix and then to another for two mugs. He then walked the refrigerator for milk. "So, are there any other symptoms besides a sore throat?"

Atem watched Yuugi intently as he busied himself to make the hot chocolate. He almost missed Yuugi's question because of it. "Ah -- I don't know. I don't believe there are." Or, there hadn't been before he decided to explore Domino in the cold.

"I'll still give you medicine anyw--wait, will it have any effect?" He filled the two cups and put them in the microwave to heat up.

Atem shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't know I could get sick, nevermind needing to be cured. Alcohol did, so I suppose in theory it would."

Yuugi turned and smiled. "Well, we can try. It's nights like this I'm glad Jiichan is a deep sleeper. He'd probably be bothering you, otherwise." The microwave timer dinged and Yuugi took out the contents and then poured the chocolate powder into each before mixing.

Atem continued observing Yuugi, half-mindedly mimicking his moves without realizing it. "Bother me...? What do you mean?"

"You know, asking a lot of questions and such about cards or something." He brought the cups to table and sat one in front of Atem before take a seat for himself, sipping slowly.

"He knows about the cards just as much as I do." Atem took hold of the cup gingerly, blowing on the liquid before taking a small sip himself. "... It's sweet," Atem commented lightly.

"He's curious." He took another small drink. "Do you like it? It can really warm you up."

"Curious...?" Atem set the cup on the table without letting go of it, simply enjoying having some feeling back in his hands. "It's fine. It's different from normal chocolate."

Yuugi laughed softly. "Kind of like you, actually." Yuugi stared down in his mug and wrinkled his nose at the few bits of unmixed powder. "This is probably one of the only reasons I like winter."

Atem stares at Yuugi. "... Like me?" Atem takes a sip from the cup again, slowly. "It's odd. It's the first time I feel winter directly like this."

"Just curious. Likes to ask a lot of questions," Yuugi said, resting his head in one hand and propping his other arm in the table and slightly pointed at Atem with a small smile. "Weren't the deserts cold at night?"

Atem hums in answer, sipping his hot chocolate again. "Yes, they were. It's not the same."

"I see." Yuugi sipped a few more times before setting it down again. He glanced at the time, "Huh. It feels later than this."

"Are you tired?" Atem asked. "You don't have to stay awake because of me, aibou."

"No, it's not that. Time seemed like it went slower than usual today." He laid his head on the table and kinda curled to keep warmer. "I wish I could turn the heater up more."

Without giving it much thought, Atem got up suddenly moving to stand besides Yuugi. He took hold of Yuugi's hand, testing the temperature. He moved a chair closer so he could sit down. "You're cold," Atem noted, not letting go of Yuugi's hand.

Yuugi jumped slightly, startled. "Um, well, sort of. Not really. Just my hands...?" He bit the inside of cheek to keep from unleashing anymore garble.

He rubbed Yuugi's hand half mindedly, trying to warm it up. "Are you sure?"

Yuugi bent his head to hide his blush. Atem's hand wasn't exactly as warm to be comforting, but the heat in his face was enough to make up for it. He chewed his tongue a little bit. "Um..."

Atem blinked and leaned in, trying to see Yuugi's face properly. "Aibou?"

Yuugi thought his face would catch fire and he pushed himself backwards quickly. A mistake on his part because it resulted in falling out of the chair in a painful way. "Ow..."

Atem got up quickly. "A-Aibou!" He kneeled down next to him. "Are you okay? Why did you back away like that?"

Yuugi winced a little when he shifted and tried thinking of an excuse. "I... didn't expect you to get so close."

Atem flinched at that comment. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, "I wasn't trying to scare you."

"N-no, I didn't mean it that way...!" Yuugi flushed again. "I'm the one who should be sorry."

Atem raised an eyebrow at that. "For ... falling?"

Yuugi rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well, that and being so...skittish."

Atem shrugged, lightly. "I suppose it's different when you can actually feel me, instead of it just being my spirit." He rose, holding a hand out for Yuugi. "Though I'm still not sure why you're apologizing for ... falling."

Yuugi's cheeks remained pink as he accepted Atem's gesture and hoisted himself up, flinching slightly at the sharp pain in his thigh. He was pretty sure he'd have a bruise in the morning. "Haha, me neither. Let's just forget this little incident."

"Your face is flushed," Atem noted, letting go of Yuugi's hand to lift up the chair from where it had fallen. "Either you're catching my cold or you're embarassed. Which is it?"

Yuugi wasn't sure of a positive answer, but he was leaning more towards the latter. At least, he knew that was part of the reason. "Probably the second choice more than the first..."

"I see." Atem stood in front of Yuugi, slightly awkwardly. "Ah... Are you finished with your hot chocolate?"

Yuugi nodded, picking up the small discarded blanket he was wrapped in earlier. "We can leave it until morning. Do you want to come upstairs?"

"If you don't mind." Atem took hold of Yuugi's hand again, this time tugging him upstairs. "I haven't seen your room in a while."

Yuugi let out a quiet gasp as he followed Atem to his bedroom, feeling another wave of heat go across his face. He let his hand relax and returned the soft grasp around Atem's own hand.

Atem let go of Yuugi's hand once they were in his room, a fond smile coming to his face as he looked around. "You haven't changed anything."

Yuugi grinned a little. "Same old me, I guess." He walked over to the bed and sat down, watching Atem.

"You've changed, but your room hasn't," Atem disagreed quietly, moving towards Yuugi's desk.

Yuugi's ears perked up at Atem's statement and kept silent about it. "Yeah..."

Atem stopped visiting Yuugi's room, moving to sit besides him on the bed instead, looking amused as the bed creaked slightly as he did so. "It's weird," he said, "Being physical in your room."

Yuugi laughed a little. "Well, at least Mom won't think I'm talking to myself anymore?"

"She'll think your talking to a strange foreigner with your haircut, instead. All alone in your room." Atem smirked a little. "Won't that be even weirder?"

"Y-yeah, alone...," he mumbled quietly to himself.

"... Aibou? Did I say something?"

"Huh? N-no."

Atem frowned slightly at that but let it go with a sigh. He let himself flop down on Yuugi's bed, blinking wearily. "It's hot, in your room."

"Is it?" Yuugi asked, the air not feeling any different. He turned to look at Atem. "Are you sure you don't have a fever?"

Atem looked at Yuugi, eyes half-lidded. "Ah... maybe. I don't know."

Yuugi turned over and crawled up to where his face was above Atem's. "I heard this was the better way to check someone's temperature rather than with your hands, so...," Yuugi murmured, blushing as he moved downward, placing his forehead against Atem's. He wasn't sure if it was just his face or the other actually having a fever, but it did feel warm.

"Ah..." Atem didn't move from where he was, letting Yuugi check his temperature. It really did feel hotter, suddenly."It tickles."

He moved a few inches back slowly. "It...you do feel a little warmer than you should..." Yuugi fell still, just watching.

Atem stared back at Yuugi before reaching up, brushing some of Yuugi's bangs away. "Do I?"

Yuugi still didn't move away, but he closed his eyes and turned his head, nervous and a little floaty. "Maybe I should go find some medicine after all..."

Atem dropped his hand, brushing Yuugi's cheek before letting it fall back on the bed, next to his head. "... It's fine. You don't need to go anywhere."

Yuugi finally pulled away from his position and flopped next to Atem, breathing to try and steady is racing heartbeat. "Okay, I won't go."

Atem raised himself up on his elbow, looking at Yuugi. "Your face is more flushed than mine is."

Yuugi brought a hand to his cheek and looked away. "It's not my fault...!

"Not your fault...?" Atem repeated, tilting his head in confusion.

Yuugi fully turned to the side and curled up, a small smile on his lips. "Nope."

Atem frowned, getting up a bit more, trying to see Yuugi's face. "Then whose fault is it?"

"Hm, no one's, really. Kind of...mutual in a way." He rolled back over onto his back and gave Atem a soft smile.

"Mutual?" Atem repeats, smiling back. "I'm not blushing."

Yuugi stuck out his tongue playfully. "You would be if you were me."

Atem lets himself flop down, still on his side. There's only a few inches separating him and Yuugi, like this. "You're you," Atem says, softly, "And I'm me. Isn't that the point?"

Yuugi shifted so he was facing Atem as well. "Yeah..." He glanced at the other and tried to keep down his flush as much as possible. 'Here he is, this close,' he thought to himself. 'And you aren't doing anything. But it wouldn't be fair. He is sick...'

Atem frowned at Yuugi. "Aibou...?"

"Huh?" Yuugi asked, jumping slightly.

"You're thinking too loudly," Atem answered cryptically, brushing some of Yuugi's bangs away from his face again.

"Am I...?" Yuugi looked at him, his eyes closing halfway as he watched Atem, shivering at the slight contact.

Atem nodded in answer, brushing Yuugi's cheek with his thumb. "It makes me wonder what you're thinking of."

Yuugi averted his gaze. "Nothing in particular, unless it's obvious otherwise." He leaned into the touch, enough to barely be an inch away.

"I don't know," Atem answered truthfully, moving further down to brush his thumb against Yuugi's lips. "You have... chocolate," he explained, breathing softly.

Yuugi closed his eyes completely, enjoying the softness of Atem's fingers. "Did you get it?" he asked in a whisper

Atem moved his hand away from Yuugi's face. "Aah... I did."

Yuugi made a small noise when Atem moved away. "Th-that's good, then..."

"Wait, there's..." he moved to brush against the corner of Yuugi's lips this time. "Some more here."

"Maybe I should've wiped my mouth earlier..." God, why did Atem have to tease him like this?

"You drank too fast," Atem answered sleepily, moving his hand back. "And then I dragged you up here."

Yuugi opened his eyes slightly. "You were in a hurry."

"I just wanted... I don't know." Atem shrugged, closing his eyes. "It feels good, to be here. It's... Familiar."

"You're always welcomed here, you know," Yuugi murmured, close enough now he could feel the warmth radiate off Atem's body.

"No, it's fine." Atem paused, staring at Yuugi for a second. "... Even if it's only sometimes, I'm fine like this."

"Okay, then." He really didn't want to move, but he didn't really want to fall asleep like this either. "Are you feeling any better or still a little warm?"

Atem blinked. "Ah... I'm still warm, I suppose. But we're close to each other, so maybe it's just the body heat..."

"...Do you want me to move away?"

Atem shook his head quickly. "No, I..." He licked his lips, tentatively. "I like this kind of warmth."

Yuugi grew quiet and he could hear his heartbeat--or what it Atem's--beating, but slowing down. "Good. I'm comfortable."

"Hmm," Atem agreed, moving his legs to prod Yuugi's with his foot. "Don't fall asleep."

Yuugi stifled a yawn. "Why not?"

"If you want to sleep, I can move." Atem told him, trying hard not to yawn himself. "But you're half hanging off the bed, right now."

Yuugi made a noise and adjusted himself to where he was sitting up. "You going to sleep up here, too?"

Atem made a face as Yuugi sat up but sat up, also. "Ah. I suppose. I'll just sleep on the floor."

Yuugi raised an eyebrow. "It's a wooden floor. You can sleep in the bed with me."

"Is it big enough?" Atem wondered aloud. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"It'll suffice. I don't want you to be uncomfortable either. And I don't think sleeping on a cold, hard floor would improve your health, either."

"If you say so, aibou." Atem flopped back down on the bed. "It's your decision."

Yuugi rolled his eyes with a smile and moved up the bed a bit to pull back the covers. "Do you need a change of clothes to sleep in?

Atem, noticing what Yuugi was trying to do, got up and off the bed. "Ah, probably. I don't think leather is comfortable enough to sleep in."

"Well, you're right. I haven't changed my room. You remember where my sleeping clothes are?" He finished preparing the bed and turned on the lamp on his desk before turning out the main light.

"Hmm, I do." With that said, Atem went and fetched one of Yuugi's pajamas, taking the first one he could find. It had little moons on it. He started taking off his shirt, unbothered by the fact that Yuugi was in the same room as him.

Yuugi was tempted to watch but quickly turned around and waited for the other to be done.

Fully dressed, Atem turned back and looked at Yuugi, confused. "Aibou...?"

Yuugi relaxed a little. "I was just waiting for you finish. Watching would be rude, don't you think?" He walked around the bed to sit on the side closest to the lamp.

"Ah, probably." Atem moved to the bed, climbing on the other side. He almost had to climb up over Yuugi so they could both fit properly. "Are you sure this is alright...?"

Yuugi scooted a little closer to Atem. "It's fine with me. Are...you okay with it?" He reached out and turned off the lamp.

"Yes," Atem answered truthfully, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I was just making sure before we...got comfortable." Yuugi licked his lips and wondered if his blush was so bright, that Atem could see it in the dark. He swallowed and moved an arm up slowly, grasping Atem's hand and clasping it with both os his gently inbetween them.

"If we got comfortable, then that would mean I didn't mind." Atem pointed out, and then he squeezed Yuugi's hand..

"...Other me...? C-could I--" Yuugi cut himself off, too nervous to ask the question.

"Yes," Atem answered softly, "You can." Whatever it was Yuugi wanted to do, he didn't mind.

Yuugi blinked. "But I didn't even ask yet...," he whispered. His eyes had finally adjusted to the dark with the help of the moonlight through the skylights as he eyed his target. He shifted and leaned his head up slightly, ready to make contact as his eyes remained half-lidded.

Atem shrugged. "If you want to do it... Whatever it is, I won't mind," he answered truthfully.

As the last word was said, Yuugi pressed his lips to the other's, and pulled back quickly, sweet and chaste.

Atem's eyes widened at the kiss. "Aah..." He frowned slightly, lifting himself up on his elbows. He raised a hand up to bring Yuugi back down slightly, kissing him more deeply.

Yuugi didn't know what to feel at that point, but he knew it was definitely nice and wanted and he felt his tense muscles begin to relax and he pressed himself closer to Atem, enjoying the contact. He honestly had not expected it to go this far.

Atem moved back, just enough so that he could speak, his lips still brushing Yuugi's as he did so. "You were going to ask... if you could kiss me?" Atem smiled. "That's cute."

Yuugi flushed deeply. "W-well, it seemed like the appropriate thing to do..."

Atem let himself fall back on the bed, bringing Yuugi down with him. "I don't think it's something people normally ... ask."

"But I'm not really considered normal either...," Yuugi murmured, adjusting himself since he was slightly on top of Atem.

Atem smirked at that. "Neither am I." He ran his hand through Yuugi's hair, playing with the hair near his neck softly.

He shivered and twisted some of the fabric of Atem's night shirt with his fingers. "And I never expected this to happen either."

"But it's what you wanted, isn't it?" Atem questionned him, eyes half lidded, but not with sleep this time.

Yuugi shifted a bit. "Yeah, but I never expected you to...I mean, if you do want it to."

"It's what you want."

Yuugi pushed himself up. "I hope I don't catch your cold," he said and leaned down, kissing Atem again.

Atem kissed Yuugi back, softly, mumbling a little into it. "I hope you don't, either."

Yuugi pulled away again. "Maybe we should sleep." A quick glance at the alarm clock confirmed the thought.

"Alright." Atem brushed Yuugi's cheek again. "Let's sleep."


lol I hope Trisha doesn't kill me.
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