Where is all my time?

Oct 06, 2009 10:10

This year I've played in 2 roleplaying games that my battered memory can recall.  One was at Kapcon and was a Best Friends Lord of the Rings parody.  The other was a game of Zombie Cinema.  I think that brings my total hours spent roleplaying in 2009 to about 4.

What else have I been doing?  Stuff.  Other important stuff.

Like a number of other gamers of my generation I've started a family.  This has pushed me even further in the direction I had been tending, of preferring high impact one-off games to campaigns.  I still really enjoy games when I make* the time to play them but that's an infrequent thing.  I want to jump into a one-off with both feet and rock out from start to finish, doing something I haven't done before.  It's pretty much a recipe for indie gaming enthusiasm.  It also makes me expect a lot from the games I do play in.  I want to load story significance into every scene and take risks and unexpected turns from the get go.  I don't have time to plod through the satisfying journey of character enhancement.  I don't have time to play rehashes of games I've played before.  I need NEW and FULL ON gaming in intense bursts.

This has, in theory, made me a less considerate player.  I'm willing to mess with other players if it gives the story a kick in the pants.  I will throw my character into mortal peril without worrying about the consequences.  I will roll with my shit off safety.

If I ever make the time to actually play :-)

*I firmly believe there's a difference between 'wanting to find time' and 'making time'.  To me one is an idle desire, the other is an action.  I could spend my whole life wanting to find time to do stuff, but unless I *make* time to do it all I'll have is a string of missed opportunities hidden behind all the stuff that otherwise fills up my time.  At the moment I'm making time to write, to watch a lot of TV shows, and spend a lot of time with my family.  I'm choosing to make time for things other than gaming.


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