Nov 24, 2005 08:27
Thanksgiving!! Ian and I weren't quite sure what was going to happen, today. Our families are so out of whack right now that we figured we would be flying solo during a major holiday for the first time. Yesterday, at work, naturally everyone was talking about their Thanksgiving plans. I mentioned that I had none and Austa just enveloped me with kindness, insisting that Ian and I spend turkey day with her family. She rocks.
So now, stupidly, I'm nervous. Austa is awesome, loves everything Ian and I do, and is super caring and wise. Her son, Gavin, is a drummer, into Lord of the Rings, and is an obsessed Jen Garner fan. I don't want to do anything awkward or dumb to mess up our relationship. Sometimes, I can just sail right through social situations. I was specially gifted at this when I was younger, pre-Mom crap. Now, I'm just so off kilter, all the time, with people. At least, that's how I feel. I just have the hardest time being natural, now. I'm always conscious of the Mom Factor, and that's changed me. I wonder if mothers know just how powerful they are.
It's funny, but the easiest time I've had getting to know people was during the Memory Walk. Victor fans are truly amazing. I felt totally at ease and just concentrated on having fun.
Jeff and Naomi are wonderful, too. I'm so happy that we're getting to know them better and hanging out more. It's so different making friends with a couple, as a couple. It's like dating, but tag team style. Our next "date" is this Saturday, dinner on Santana Row, my choice where, a movie, and whatever we feel like afterwards.
I miss my family, but not all the stuff that came with them, well, with Mom. I hate that it's so hard to have a relationship with Uriah and Mike because they live with Her. Uriah leaves for the Marines, soon. He'll be free of her, then. I think that's a major reason he's chosen this route. He better take care of himself. I miss him so much. =(
As for Mike, I'm not sure how to maintain a relationship with him. He lives under the dragon's claws, and any contact with him means dealing with sharp, pointy things, I'm not inclined to face.