I came to an interesting decision tonight. Sometime within the near future, I, jaron mortimer, will be enlisting in the United States Naval forces. I understand all of the repricussions that will occur, but I believe that, in the end, this will be a highly benificial move on my part
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As for the second point, no, I'm not going with the intent to get myself killed. you won't see me signing up for the Marines or the Army. But, as it is, saying I'm not going to join or do my part because I'm afraid to die is, frankly, ludicris. I understand taht a good portion of my readers do not have the same beliefs that I have, but I know where I'm going when I die. I rightly should have no fear of death. I'm not going to jump in front of a BUS, but I'm not going to let my fear shoot me in the feet, either.
Thank you, though. I appreciate the concern. It shows you really do care about me. (not that I thought you DIND'T)
You can joined the Armed Forces. First is boot camp, which will get you in the best shape of your life, teach you to kill, teach you to be a part of a group rather than an individual and to take orders without thinking. Then you'll spend the next four years killing, helping to kill, or waiting to kill, people that the president feels pose a threat to the country or to his personal interests.
That's one option out of many. I'm going to work with the Sheriff's Department. First is police academy, which will get me in the best shape of my life, teach me to defend, teach me to be an individual rather than part of a group, and to take and give orders amongst my fellow officers. Then I spend as little or as many years as I like saving, helping to save, or waiting to save, people that need help and defense.
I thought about the military too, you know. I still consider it an option that's over for me and might consider it when Bush is out of office, but the fact is that the military kills. That's all it does is kill. Why not join Red Cross and go to the same places, saving people? Why not get involved in Habitat for Humanity and save the homeless here?
You can talk about doing the right thing and serving your country, but if that's really REALLY what you were about, you'd be doing community service and hooking up with non-profit organizations already. I've had a little serving the country mission I've been thinking about in my head and if you want to serve your country you can come with me and we'll go paint over graffiti. You want to get in shape and help people, we'll go do the 5k Run for Diabetes.
The military is the option for people of a few different creeds:
1) Too stupid to do anything else. And if you join, you will be the smartest person in your squadron I can tell you that now without a shadow of a doubt. You will have to put up with your bosses being stupider than you and your friends being stupider than you. This is the biggest of the three groups.
2) People with their hearts in the right place, but not a lot of common sense. This is you. As I said before, the first instinct to serve the country is to join the military. That seems like the answer because it's been drilled into our heads forever. Serve the country = military. This is also the catergory for those people whose whole family have served.
3) Sadistic people. Those people that are looking to kill, have a bloodlust, and are fueled by hate. This is the smallest of the groups.
We'll talk some more and we can talk about a lot of the options that you have to serve. But the important thing to remember is that you want to look at ALL the options FIRST, then decide.
I do appreciate the concern, as I said. it's...really nice to know that I have friends that care about my so much. It's not a done deal, yet, so I still have time to think, but for the multitude of times I've thought about it, and come back to it, and come back AGAIN to it...something tells me this is the way to go.
Of course, I may be too fat to join...I just checked the requirements, and the maximum weight for a 72" male is around 207 Lbs. I weigh close to 240.
Now, Navy might be perfect for you, but there are timing issues, education issues, and such. You can enter as an officer if you wait to finish your education first. You can join after the current warmonger regime is replaced. Just don't sign up yet. That's all.
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