There is an influx of people in Treno...
if you don't mind me taking a record of who is here on my journal. I would also like to meet everyone in person at least once. I like to get to know which people who were abducted. It is good to know those who I will be working with or seeing around town.
Perhaps we need to look for some more private locations to get the things done we need to get done.
//Notes to self//
I'm such a liar, but she seems to buy every word I say. "After all -- one who always wears a smile is simply lying to their self. How can you trust one who lies to their self?" Admitting such things as how well trained I am with a gun, how I'm a cop -- but something of one who is crooked -- and a genius by any right. The less people know about me or Mello -- the better. We're from a world where our names killed us. So this is all we will call ourselves. Matt and Mello. The two M's, the third and fourth L.