The Cornucopia Challenge that you will be playing has not yet been introduced. Tonight, you will be playing TRACKERjacker. It's simple enough. All that you have to do is instant-message me on AIM or Facebook, saying that you are ready for your challenge.
I will hide a nest in a set year of
games_lj history. First person gets 2006, second person gets 2007, and the third person to approach me gets 2009. When I start the clock, and tell you your year, you will be timed on how long it takes you to find your own respective TRACKERjacker nest.
The player with the fastest time will return to the game, while the other two will be the first and second members of the jury, depending on how well they finished. Questions? Ask away in the comments.
START: Tuesday, May 29th @ 9:30p.m. EST
END: Wednesday, May 30th, 9:29p.m. EST
May the odds be ever in your favour!