WK3/IC3, Snaring is Caring

May 03, 2012 12:28

Welcome to Day 15. More deaths are on the horizon and I, as Head Gamemaker, have decided to that you must construct some snares to speed up the process. Over the next four days, each of you will be placing up to 100 welcome snares around the arena.

It'd be a total waste for you to place these snares inefficiently close together; therefore, there is a minimum of five minutes which must take place between the posting of each new snare. The ultimate goal of this competition is to have the longest streak of snares without being interrupted by the booby traps of other houseguests. To place a marking, you must reply to this post with some sort of message (i.e.: 'O HEY, I GOTCHU!' or 'YOU'S JUST GOT, GOT!', etc.). Again, in order for your snares to count, you must allow at least five minutes between comments.

If you post a comment in fewer than five minutes from your previous marking, you will have one point subtracted from your final score. That comment will still count in your limit of 100 signs. If you catch this mistake before the deadline, sure, you're allowed to delete it. However, whatever is in the post at time of deadline is absolutely final.

omg_its_rob - 3:07 p.m.
"omg_its_me, ok?"

omg_its_rob - 3:12 p.m.
"i'm gonna betchslap you, shetbag"

omg_its_rob - 3:20 p.m.
"what's that? i already gotchu? lolyay"

thatgaychick - 3:24 p.m
"god bless boobies.......er, booby traps"

omg_its_rob - 3:25 p.m.

thatgaychick - 3:30 p.m
"i'd rather be on capitol hill. idgaf"

britneyschalupa - 3:32 p.m
"HEY, fuck tha haterz"

britneyschalupa - 3:34 p.m - (invalid) -1
"this is going to be annoying"

britneyschalupa - 3:37 p.m
"my boobies are traps, jsyk"

From the example above, we see that Rob made four valid snares. All of them were at least five minutes a part. Jenn interrupted him after his third snare, so in this example, Rob has a total score of three uninterrupted snares in a row. Your ultimate goal in the competition is to have the longest streak of uninterrupted snares.

Also in the example, we see that Claire made three comments in a row. Her first was at 3:32, followed by an invalid comment two minutes later. This comment counts against her final score. Unless she deletes it, this invalid comment will also be in her valuable limit of 100 markings. Since the comment of 3:34 is invalid and not counted in her streak, the next comment posted in her streak will be counted as long as it is at least five or more minutes away from her last valid comment. 3:37 is five minutes past 3:32, so Claire's longest streak in this example is two.

- You're limited to 100 comments. Anything over this number will not be counted. So, if you post 102 over the course of this competition, those last two will be ignored.
- Markings must be 5+ minutes apart. You lose points if your comments are clustered together in increments of four minutes or less. Due to their Supply Drop, District 1's advantage is to comment every two minutes.
- The District with the largest streak of valid, uninterrupted snares will win immunity. In case there's a tie, a tie-breaker competition will then be played to determine a winner. In the event your District wins immunity, to speed things up, both of you (unless now solo) need to e-mail battleoftheTRIBES@gmail.com by the deadline with the name of the District you would like to brand for the Cornucopia.

The time to secure the familiar territory begins now. Less than 96 hours to go. Strategize, figure out a good block of time to comment your snares. Break it up, spread it out or keep 'em together. It's your call. All comments are screened.

Monday, May 7th @ 12:59p.m. EST
May the odds be ever in your favour!

tribes 3

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