WK1/IC2, Questiganza Eleganza

Apr 28, 2012 10:38

Tonight's challenge will test your knowledge under pressure. It will require you to approach me via AIM. Once you instant-message me, you will tell me a variation of "Hey Brad, I'm ready for the challenge". Everyone has been designated a Drag Queen from the third season of RuPaul's Drag Race. As for your challenge, you will be asking me three questions in order to find out what Drag Queen you have been given.
*Since there are 15 of you, and only 13 queens were on the show: two of you will have repeated queens.

I will simply reply with "Yes," or "No". After the three questions, you will give me your final answer. If you answer incorrectly, you will be disqualified. If you answer correctly, your time will be annotated. The person who correctly answers with their Drag Queen in the fastest amount of time will win the Regency Arrow, and will have the power to veto + replace one of the two nominees (outside of their own partner).

- You are only allotted three questions
- You will give your final answer at the end of your three questions. However, if you say "Is my Drag Queen, ______?" before you've asked three questions, that will count as your final answer and could get you disqualified. But, if you're feeling confident enough, go right ahead.
- I am only going to respond with Yes or No answers. I will not explain them to you


For correctly answering the Supply Drop, District 5 will be allowed to ask five questions, instead of three... giving them an advantage over the rest of you.


START: Saturday, April 28th @ 3:00p.m. EST
END: Sunday, April 29th, 8:59p.m. EST
And may the best District.......... win!

tribes 3

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