Game 33 [audio]

Jul 12, 2009 15:00

Father Anderson.....? Where are you...?

[Several hacking coughs can be heard for several moments followed by a small groan. The shuffling can be heard as she moves off the bed to wander around the church.]

Father Anderson...?

[For several minutes, there's only the sound of a child's footsteps. Then there's the sound of a creaking door. The foots steps become muffled as she steps outside and immediately starts coughing again. Ash and being sick doesn't mix well.There's more silence punctuated with soft coughing.]

Hey! You! Creepy guy with the wings... Do you...

[The sentence is cut short, followed by a shallow gasp and a groan. There's the sound of a small body hitting the Ash covered ground and soft whimpers. This was not her day. No not at all.]

poor kid, sick gaz, not her day, rescue me please, help?, father anderson...?, attacked by abel

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