So many ideas, so little time

Jul 21, 2015 22:26

I love it when I'm in the home stretch of finishing a novel- and the writing gremlins decide that they want to throw more novel ideas at me, which is VERY distracting!

With that said, here is a list of current (and future) projects- Note that unless otherwise stated, the names are working titles and may be changed:

Current projects

Planes of Altra trilogy (Might turn into a series later)- Lesbian Scifi/fantasy genre:

Enforcers of Altra (I have 20 chapters DONE and have ten more to go- really hoping to finish this by the end of the month)

Rebels of Altra (I got a jump on starting this one, but trying to focus on the first one)

Systems of Altra (Planning that one out)

Future projects

Empire of Balance- six book series (lesbian Scifi/fantasy)

Rise of the Nephilim- trillogy or series (scifi fantasy)

Secrets of Camelot- trilogy or series (lesbian victorian (?) romance)

Kingdom of Succubi- uncertain- (modern lesbian fantasy)

and more to come...
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