Only 5 more hours to go...-

Apr 05, 2007 14:02

Yup, only 5 more hours, then...I am free woman! Yes! No more college for 5 months! Hells yeah!
You all know what this means right? I am on my quest and search to find a new job. Tomorrow before I head out for the weekend (I will talk about this in a bit) I will be applying EVERYWHERE. I mean everywhere. Also, a visit to the Bingo hall is in order, to apply in person for that positiion...I hope that it is still there...
This weekend Gordon invited me (well it was more of, Im not busy, why dont I come to go with him and his mum to victoria to visit his grandparents. In all the honest truths in the world, I am not nervous in the slightest. He did warn me about his uncle though.... hehe heh I am sure that I will be kept out of trouble. Well, I will mostly be working on garb for coronet. Think I can sew a greek/romano tunic, a heraldic kataginu, aplique on them, maybe trim....before next weekend?
Hells yeah, I can do anything! Muh ha haaaa! Maybe I could start my new garb for my other persona, who desperatly wants to come out and have an amazingly awesome time during the night :P
Kale is crazy.

Well anyways I better go and mozy and perhaps study :P
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