happy birthday, sweet babby

Feb 17, 2013 20:48

There are a lot of things I need to post about here, and I'll do that someday. But for now, the main one is this: It seems impossible to believe, but William turned one year old today. From this:

(February 17, 2012 - age 20ish minutes)

To this:

(February 17, 2013)

We celebrated by having a huge, raucous brunch with my parents, William's godmothers, and a bunch of our local friends and some of their kids. dayzdark's parents called in on Skype to see William open his presents and eat his first cupcake (which he was not thrilled by). Despite waking up with a bit of coughing this morning, William did very well being the center of so much attention. He read books, took apart Duplos, chased his cats around, climbed the stairs more than a dozen times, was loved and cuddled by many people who care for him, and took two multi-hour naps snuggled up in my arms in our bedroom recliner. It was the perfect way to mark my kiddo's first full year on this awesome planet, and to look forward to many more.

This year has been pretty intense, as my lack of posting and involvement on LJ/DW should testify. (It's not all because LJ is becoming a bit of a ghost town in its old age...) I realized a couple of weeks ago that my 10-year anniversary on this site came and went in September and I wasn't even tuned in enough to say anything about it. As William gets older and more able and willing to entertain himself for longer periods of time (not that I neglect him, he's just starting to become independent in a way where there are times when he wants to play on his own and I just get in the way of what he wants if I don't give him some space), it gets easier for me to tap back into things like blogging and music and gaming and my other hobbies and preoccupations that have lain fallow for the past year. Though the year has had its challenges, for the most part, it's been one of the best I can remember.

Thank you to all who've stuck with me through all of this. I hope to be able to return the favor soon. But first, MarsCon! (c:

This entry was originally posted at http://gamerchick.dreamwidth.org/612799.html. You can comment on either journal. Number of comments on Dreamwidth:


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